nitrite and nitrates

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Mar 31, 2003
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north east - england
i have been trying to cycle my 20gall tank for about 6 weeks and although there is no ammonia now i still have readings of 0.5 NitrItes and 110 NitrAtes, i do water changes weekly of about 25% but cant get them down. Also my brown Algae is back covering my glass, heater and do i get rid of this for good?
to get rid of the alge an i suggest an elge eater as for the nitrites im not shure perhaps plants.
are there any fish in there, or was this a fishless cycle....i suggest a small pleco for the algae problem ie: bristlenose pleco
pleco and jamnog nailed it.

get an algae eater, pleco or something of that nature. plecos are generaly very hearty fish and should be able to deal with the raised nitrite levels. it almost sounds as if the tank has not fully cycled. it would be in the third stage when nitrates climb to lower nitrites.
Hi Walah

Have you checked the water you are adding to the tank. If this is high in Nitrates, you will need some form of nitrate remover to get the level down. Plants will do this over time, if they do not get covered in brown algae. :-(.

As for removing the algae, there are various addatives that will get rid of it. I personaly do not like adding chemicals to any of my tanks, but as a last resorte they do work.

Dolphin :teacher:
Plecs won't eat brown algae - well, mine don't. The only thing that gets rid of it is me cleaning it off. I won't add chemicals so it's left to me to do it. Plants will help solve the nitrate problem and once the tank has completely cycled that should solve the nitrite problem.
what ever type of alge eater i have here it seems to like all the alge in the tank. i wont sugest snails as i know it upsets some of the regulars to hear me recomending them as a member of the tank.
I have had my best success with plants after cleaning the brown algae and some hearty plants I like java moss and sword plants. They consume the nitrates and leave nothing for the algae to eat so it doea not return

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