

New Member
Dec 17, 2006
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hi there
i was having a problem with the nitrate levels in my tank so i went out to buy nitra-zorb
my problem is pets at home told us to take out the pads inside the fluval 3 and when i read the instructions on nita-zorb it says leave the prefiltration in if possible does that mean that i can leave the pads in aswell as the nitra-zorb
regards jim
Don't no to be honest ask in tropical chit chat.
Got to find out why you have high nitrates.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
How long has the tank been set up.
Maintance routine.
Tap water nitrate reading.
Don't no to be honest ask in tropical chit chat.
Got to find out why you have high nitrates.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
How long has the tank been set up.
Maintance routine.
Tap water nitrate reading.

hi there
the nitratre level was at 40 we prefer 0 so we were told to get the nitro-zorb
our amonia was 0.25 ph 7.0 nitrite 0 but we goy ammo-lock to help with amonia levels
we have seven fish in our tank and its a 60 litre tank we have 5 swordtails and two mollies
plus we have 10 babys born 29th jan in there own breeding unit the tank been set up from november 2006
we do water changes when neccesary egwhen we get the amonia problems but we still do 20to 25% water change every couple of weeks we now use tap water conditioner when we do the water changes . but really i just need to know if i can leave the pads in my fluval 3 whilst using nitra-zorb as i said earlier pets at home told us to take pads out but the instructions on the nitro-zorb told us to leave prefilteration in which i assume is the pads if possible
regards jim
What your tap nitrate reading.
You have an ammonia reading could be due to lack of gravel vacs debris.
You need to be doing a gravel vac and water change once a week.
Remove the ornaments if you have any and I would suggest a gravel vac now, as ammonia should be 0.
Don't need the pad it because you are not maintaining the tank properly.
Here a link.Think you are wasting your money to be honest.
Because you are not maintaining the tank properly.

i am maintaining my tank properly i have been since the day i got it
now im upset because i know i look after my tank well to be honest i only got the problem on tuesday from the day i had my tank i never encountered any problems i have kept all my readings as i record each and everyone in my big tank and in my wee tank which also has same readings as big tank and we do vac we use a gravel cleaner everytime we do clean our tank and we just did a water change on thursday but we were told to put our fluval 3 in to the tank by a fish person at pets at home because the other filters we were using we were told were too small so the problem only spurred then so im pretty sure i have been looking after my tank and ive had no casualtys
my babys are almost 8 weeks old there getting big and eating well the person in pets at home assured us putting in fluval 3 was the right thing and that it would stabilize itself within 3 to 4 days
regards jim
If you didn't use some of the old sponges trom the old filter or squeeze bacteria on them, it sounds like the tank is in a mini cycle.
A min cycle it when you lost some colonies of bacteria in the filter sponges which will send your tank into a mini cycle.
Changing substrate can cause a tank as well to go into a mini cycle.

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