Nin's Tanks

brittgs said:
I've been going back through this thread and it has been so interesting to see the changes in your tanks and all your beautiful fish. Thanks.
Aww thank you! :D I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Well, Nin, I hadn't seen this thread until today, and I must say it's been a delightful way for me to procrastinate. Of course, I am getting tank envy. Without a job, though, I can't really do much with the tanks I've got, so I'll have to wait a bit before I can show off my own. In the meantime, I'm really pleased about your fry progress. I would love to take a few once you get some to adult sizes. I'd be willing to pay shipping (assuming, of course, I've got fish funds by that time).
attibones said:
Well, Nin, I hadn't seen this thread until today, and I must say it's been a delightful way for me to procrastinate. Of course, I am getting tank envy. Without a job, though, I can't really do much with the tanks I've got, so I'll have to wait a bit before I can show off my own. In the meantime, I'm really pleased about your fry progress. I would love to take a few once you get some to adult sizes. I'd be willing to pay shipping (assuming, of course, I've got fish funds by that time).
Ooh thank you! :wub: Really glad to hear that. It will be a while before they can be moved on but you're certainly welcome to them! The next batch should be hatching soon I think :lol:
They are working on hatching! Some eggs still left though. No pics cause..they're so tiny D:
We got two new fishies today. One went into the 20g flatback hex (temporarily) til it's ready to go in the 129, and the other had a temporary stay in the 29 til we could set up a 10g.
He's behind the cave on the left. Can see him in the reflection I think. I saw him last time we went to PetCo (a week or so ago) and when we were there he was the first to catch my eye.
I felt the same way I did when I found Discord, and he was still there today so..we got him. He's my early birthday present
(So is the 129!)



He did keep going around the tank and exploring but he had to stay on the bottom and hold himself in place with his "ears" due to the current




Finally got his 10g set up..still cloudy and bubble-y. The only spare filter we had decided to not work so we'll be picking one up in a day or two.







Well, unfortunately the betta passed away this morning. I woke up and dad had already fished it out and put it in a zip lock bag for us to take back to PetCo tomorrow. 

The angel however is doing great, he has as much of an appetite as the one in my 55. Seems to have a similar attitude too

I got another fry video, since more have hatched.
Had to catch up from the 5th.  I love the bamboo shrimp photos!  What a cool animal. 
Your 129 is shaping up, lots of wood in there, I see. You sure have gone fish mad!  Ha haaa.
Sorry about the betta.  The new angel is zebra striped! 
Freedom said:
Had to catch up from the 5th.  I love the bamboo shrimp photos!  What a cool animal. 
Your 129 is shaping up, lots of wood in there, I see. You sure have gone fish mad!  Ha haaa.
Sorry about the betta.  The new angel is zebra striped! 
He's silly! I am going to ask around about if I can get a second one cause my LFS has blue ones in right now...
Thankies, although one piece of wood (the smallest center one) will be taken out to use for another tank. I am fish mad. :p
It's alright, I think there was something wrong before we got him as he was breathing hard in the car on the way home, and the whole time we had him. I'd find him in different positions..on his side, upside down, face down. :/
Glad he doesn't have to suffer anymore. I love this angel! Not sure what to name it. Dad said it looked like a bandit so may go with that. He's the one who picked it out :)
Poor little Betta.
Very neat looking angel.  Bandit is a cute name.
brittgs said:
Poor little Betta.
Very neat looking angel.  Bandit is a cute name.
Yeah :(
Glad you think so!
This batch of fry seems to be doing better than the last. More have survived ^^ No pics or vid of them though. Just some of the 20g long.
Sorry they're a bit blurry.




Also got a vid! ^^
Oops, I renamed the album I had the 10g betta pics in so those pics which were on post #139 on page 7 are gone. Sorry

We picked up two new fishies which will eventually go in the 129g. For now their pics will be here though as the newest black angelfish is in the 20 flatback hex with the striped angel.
They seem to be getting along quite well! The leopard ctenopoma is in the 10g the betta was in, which is why I renamed the album. I'm just calling it 10g bathroom now as that is where the tank is. ^^'
Yesterday we had bloodworms and zucchini so was a good day to introduce the fish. They both ate! That's why the ctenopoma's belly looks a little chubby.
I am head over heels for this small right now is why he can be in the 10g. About the size of my thumb (from fingernail to the first knuckle). He'll get water changes every other day.
I don't know if it's actually a he or not, too young right now I think, but will refer to it as a he until I find out otherwise











Think he already realizes I bring food now. Probably won't be easy to get pics from now on as he comes straight to the front XD

Got some okay pics of the fry I think. These are the oldest ones, they'll be a month on 4/21







Had to get a pic of Turbo and the khuli like this!


Gizaroo2 said:
Pictures, yay!!!
XD Wish the picture limit was higher!








This was sold to me as anubias nana, though I have no idea for sure as I'm a noob with plants. I like it a lot though!

One of the first swords I got. I have two that look like this. One of them sent off a runner once, had an ID thread a long time ago and I forget what it ended up being, if it even got ID'ed.
It only recently has started looking like this, since I added root tabs. Before that it was almost totally gone and sad looking.

Another sword I think. Can't remember this one either :lol:

Should have a few more pics later hopefully. We upgraded Jacob's 5g to a 10g
I have never shown his 5g because I did not feel comfortable with how it looked and I felt like the fish deserved more room.
Now that they have it I don't mind showing the tank!

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