Aww thank you!brittgs said:I've been going back through this thread and it has been so interesting to see the changes in your tanks and all your beautiful fish. Thanks.
Aww thank you!brittgs said:I've been going back through this thread and it has been so interesting to see the changes in your tanks and all your beautiful fish. Thanks.
Ooh thank you!attibones said:Well, Nin, I hadn't seen this thread until today, and I must say it's been a delightful way for me to procrastinate. Of course, I am getting tank envy. Without a job, though, I can't really do much with the tanks I've got, so I'll have to wait a bit before I can show off my own. In the meantime, I'm really pleased about your fry progress. I would love to take a few once you get some to adult sizes. I'd be willing to pay shipping (assuming, of course, I've got fish funds by that time).
He's silly! I am going to ask around about if I can get a second one cause my LFS has blue ones in right now...Freedom said:Had to catch up from the 5th. I love the bamboo shrimp photos! What a cool animal.
Your 129 is shaping up, lots of wood in there, I see. You sure have gone fish mad! Ha haaa.
Sorry about the betta. The new angel is zebra striped!
Yeahbrittgs said:Poor little Betta.
Very neat looking angel. Bandit is a cute name.
XD Wish the picture limit was higher!Gizaroo2 said:Pictures, yay!!!