Nightmare- Complete Tank Wipeout :-(

My wife loves to look at the fish and buy them. I think that she would like to turn it into an all fish tank only. :crazy: Anyway, we both love coming home from work at nigh and :drinks: Maybe you should give it another try with a larger tank. I don't have too much experience, but I do know that I would be afraid to do a nano tank.
Ive got an empty 180l tank, but then I would need a skimmer, external filter and loads of LR so we are talking mega money which I really dont have! I know Ive just wasted £100+ on my wipeout, but Im determind that next time Im guna succeed, even if I have to do a bloody water change every day!
Ive got an empty 180l tank, but then I would need a skimmer, external filter and loads of LR so we are talking mega money which I really dont have! I know Ive just wasted £100+ on my wipeout, but Im determind that next time Im guna succeed, even if I have to do a bloody water change every day!

do the 180L ! look thur ebay for some bargins!!
Tried ebay, but we are still talking minimum of £300 just for equipment. If I was a millionire (or maybe even just didn't have kids!) I would have done the big one by now. But there is always that extra pair of school shoes that needs buying...
Tried ebay, but we are still talking minimum of £300 just for equipment. If I was a millionire (or maybe even just didn't have kids!) I would have done the big one by now. But there is always that extra pair of school shoes that needs buying...
Sopose i dont have that truble yet....
My sister calls me a fish nerd...She said, my sister has turned into a fish nerd. I said, gee thanks. She lives on the east coast so we don't talk much.

I understand what you mean about kids, BecciMac. I have 3 and in august they will be 1, 4, and 6. It seems like there's always something to buy for them :nod:
well becci if you wanna do a bigger FO tank, then you wouldn't need lr so you can cut expenses in half or more. You don't neccessarily need a skimmer either as these are just usually a help to the filtration. So I'm thinking since you already have the tank, all you would need to buy is an external filter and some new stocking, maybe a powerhead or two to get some circulation though high flow rate is unneccessary as you will not have lr for your filtration. Now that wouldn't be expensive at all and it would get you a bigger and more stable tank :good:
See thats competely different advice from what everyone else has given me!! Ooooh Im sooo confused! So could I just put ocean rock in, a big ass filter and away I go? Ive been told I cant compromise on LR?
If you want to go fish only, sure can Becci. FO is really simple, its not much different than a FO freshwater tank, just add salt :lol:

Sorry about your tank loss, that stinks. Just wanted to say you're by no means the first one. Full crashes are uncommon, but definitely occur. The most common root causes are overheating (busted heater, warmer weather, broken lights), low Oxygen (poor surface agitation combined with high stocking levels), toxic death (many marine organisms, inverts especially, have toxins in their body for defense that are released when died), and runaway salinity (often obvious in a reef, but not so much in a FO). Usually one of those root causes leads to a stressed tank and other deaths and a snowball effect of ammonia and toxins released into the tank happens.

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