Niece's First Fishtank :(


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hey all, just a little vent here. My niece just turned 6 and I was going to get her a betta tank so she could be like her auntie :wub: , however my sis told me that they were going to get her a 'bigger' one and do it up properly. I said 'great! Let me know when you do so that I can help you choose the right size tank, fish etc'.

Well.. I just recieved a call from my VERY excited niece informing me that her tank is all done and she has new fish. Upon further questioning, I found out she's the proud new owner of 2 swordtails (sex unknown) in a 1 gallon tank. :X No filter, no heater. Only plus side... they got some dechlorinator. Upgrading to a larger tank is not an option at this time for my sis.

So.. is there ANY chance at all that these fish might survive for more than a week? Is there anything at all that they can do to help ensure the fish stay healthy and survive despite the tank never cycling? ie. huge water changes etc.

Thanks for your help all!

*off to try find a cheapo used 5 gallon*
well they should survive a week if they change the water every day i guess.
Even if the water is only change once they should pull through.
It dpened s if they're healthy to start off with..
They might survive if you do large daily water changes with dechlorinator, but the swordtails will need a filtered and heatered 10gal if they are both female and a 15gal if they are male/mixed gender(you shouldn't have more than one male in a mixed gender group and if they are both male one will probably pick on the other).
I agree with the other comments made, they may survive with plently water changes and the dechlorinator.
But what about the temperature? Surely, it depends on where they're being kept and what the temperature of the room is?
Also, more water changes without a heater means the temperature may fluctuate? Am i wrong?

I hope they survive okay anyway!
I think you need to intervene tactfully here. Those fish may just pull through, at least for the time being, but it is not going to be a happy experience either for them or for the poor little girl. I would have thought they will either fall ill or become VERY aggressive or listless. Your niece will eventually feel that something is wrong and be made unhappy. Small children can get very unhappy in a situation like this and can feel very guilty. I think you need to spare her here. Not to mention the fish.

Is there any way you can give the swordies a home and "swap" them for a betta?
...however my sis told me that they were going to get her a 'bigger' one and do it up properly.
Huge improvement there, ain't it? :huh:

Like dwarfgourami said, I think the best option would be to offer to swap the swordies for a betta, if possible.
I've had another convo with the sis.... gently 'suggesting' a few things she might need to do. What's frustrating is that they didn't go to Wal*mart to get thier fish (one thing she DID listen to me about :) ), but rather went to the lfs. She kept telling me 'but the guy said this is perfect for these fish!' :X I think I'd be able to convince the niece to get a betta 'just like Auntie V' if these don't make it.

On a side note.. you do have love little kids eh? She called me again to excitedly tell me how 'pumpkin' and 'bubbles' had eaten their first meal.. then asked if maybe I could bring my Finnigan to her house so all three fish could play together. Too cute :wub:

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