Nick's 55 Gallon Community Tank

YES IM AWARE OF IT!!!!!!!!!! It doesnt madder who reads the posts or not. Isnt this site sposed to be the " friendliest fishforum around"??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:
With the fact that there is a bala shark.... (whom will already feel too cramped in the tank once grown)

With the fact that neons are presant (lucky that your angels now don't shred em)

With the fact that there already happens to be a pair of angels with set territories....

With the fact that the clowns will outgrow the tank, and want more partners....

With the fact that the common pleco will outgrown the tank and want more room....

I personally would not get more angels.

Good as is either way. Better than I'm doing.... for now :shifty: :good:
Yeah, it might not have been the best fish selection. The clown loaches, pleco, and bala shark will outgrow the tank, the angel will grow and one day the neon will disappear, and the angel that would get a little fin nippage anyway will get even more since it's long-finned.

EDIT - And now that I read the 3rd page I have just found out that I restated Gangkutsuou.
Well when I first got fish I didnt know anything on what to do So i just went and got what i thought looked good, which was angels and bala's and neons, those are the ones everyone has been telling me / complaining about...and now im wayyy to attached to all of my fish I cant possibly just take them back just like that to my way man lol it may just be me but thats my thoughts. Well now anyways, I may change my mind later on though. Thanks for all the imput. I'm posting up a new updated pic of my tank.

Updated tank shot with new plants ( java fern, couple assorted ) and some other plants have grown in a little bit. Got a few more fish so my danios and my swordtail and guppy's dont get lonely. Tank has been doing good I'm doing good maintenance and all fish are awesome. Water stats are as usual perfect. Here's the tank shot. Tell me what you think from the before pic and now the after pic.


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