Nick's 55 Gallon Community Tank

i relly love the tank reminds me of my 10 gallon i had that had like 20 neons in it. that was before i found this site :lol: oh if i where you i whould add a few female guppy ans a few female swordtail so the male have something to do besides fight.
Lol 20 neons! That would suit my tank well but, NOT YOURS! lol thats awesome. Thats okay when I had my tropical 10 gallon I had like 10 neons in there like the first week of having it setup and I always wondered why they died one by UNTIL i started relaly getting into fishkeeping
well the site helped me. none of my neons died they where moved in with my angels who ate all of them
hmmmm.... the clowns and bala sharks will eventually need a 100g tank or more ^_^''

As will the pleco.....

other than that.....

yeah yeah yeah heard that a million times!!! Not rehoming untill that time comes because it takes well over, well a LONG time for the clowns to even grow 'big'. My bala will eventually get big and than I will re-home. The same with the pleco. Everything is good for a long time!
Thank you the angel is really really pretty i love them!
And how do I make neon's look good?
yeah. The neons look good because of the dark rocks and the black angel. Very nice contrasting colors.
yeah yeah yeah heard that a million times!!! Not rehoming untill that time comes because it takes well over, well a LONG time for the clowns to even grow 'big'. My bala will eventually get big and than I will re-home. The same with the pleco. Everything is good for a long time!
Thank you the angel is really really pretty i love them!
And how do I make neon's look good?

youve probably heard it a million times cos its true. you can never be sure when your tank size is starting to effect the health and growth of the fish so its best not to do it.

and balas and plecs dont grow that slowly at all.
yeah yeah yeah heard that a million times!!! Not rehoming untill that time comes because it takes well over, well a LONG time for the clowns to even grow 'big'. My bala will eventually get big and than I will re-home. The same with the pleco. Everything is good for a long time!
Thank you the angel is really really pretty i love them!
And how do I make neon's look good?

youve probably heard it a million times cos its true. you can never be sure when your tank size is starting to effect the health and growth of the fish so its best not to do it.

and balas and plecs dont grow that slowly at all.

my thoughts exactly, a plec can reach 12 inches in 1 year. Really not that long at all. We had Ian's albino common plec in a 60g and have just moved him to a bigger tank, he's only about 3/4 inches long, just don't wanna stunt his growth.
Okay, I'll be sure to inform y'all in about a year when I rehome them ;)

Magafish: You really like it that much you cant get over it? I think its not bad but its far from done
Can you say that again....i dont really get what you just said. did you mean " I make natural tanks look like a toilet"? Thats all I got out of it can you please rephrase
humm my bad " you make national aquariums look like a toilet with that tank"

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