Nick's 55 Gallon Community Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Washington, USA
Hey everyone new to this site and I want to know what people think of my tank. All comments appreciated! ;)
These are of my tank and of my fish. There not all of my fish, what i have is in my signature.










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Thanks Lord Zogat! I'm glad someone actually replyed! :good: I'm still in a working progress for my tank, such as getting some more plants ( java fern, some low light easy plants ) and some more fish...
Thanks, thats why I like my angels. They are unique IMO and everyone like's them! And I can still have fish in my tank which arent sposed to be with angels and they are perfect
nice tank. how big are your clowns and bala? if your getting more fish balas do better in groups, even a pair would be better than one on its own. may eventually out grow the tank. my largest bala is getting a bit big for my tank but i find this is the perfect excuse for a new, bigger tank!!!
nath1 :good:
My clowns are only an inch in a half. My bala only 2 inches. Getting one more clown to make them a trio. Dont know what I'm doing with my bala yet. still figuring things out but thanks

Nick B)
have u had any neon casulties from the angels? since neons are their natural prey!!! :shifty:
just about to say that angels will tare throgh neons like a pig at brunch.
That's what I'm trying to get to. My angels have never picked at or tryed to harm any other fishe's. They arent small small angels but there still juveniles. So no they have never tryed eating my Neon's and when they get older and I start to see foul play I shall remove the angels.
Love the pics, your black angel is so gorgeous. Loving the clown loaches too. :good:

Ive got way better pictures of my clown loaches than that. I just liked that picture because that's there home that they are always hiding in and It was funny how they were both poking out a lil lol.
Did anyone noticed the guppys tail was ripped to shreads? This could be the angel (my angels done it to all my guppies), or the fact you have 2 guppies, where really you should have 5 to spread around aggression. Also, the clown loaches will outgrow the tank, as will the bala sharks.
Yes trust me Ive notice the guppy's tail. My other guppy isnt like that at all though. So at first I though tmy angels and guppy's have fin rot. But than someone said it was juts from nips. The angels nipping eachother, and neons tend to nip angels ive heard. but I have also heard angels do it to guppy's because of there tails. Ive never seen my angels nip my guppy's ever...wait, I think i no who the criminal is. My zebra danio! I had 4 of them but 3 died so I'm left with one and they need to be in a pack, and he is always chasing that guppy around and nipping! Pssshhh i really need to get a ride to my LFS ASAP to get about 4 more zebra danios to solve the nipping problem because than they will nip inbetween there group.....

Oh and thanks for putting me on the spot! ;)

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