Nice New Tank


New Member
Jun 5, 2009
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Hi all I've just bought a lovely 125 litre freshwater tank that I would like to keep some nice tropical fish in...the set up went pretty well (i think!) considering I'm a complete beginner to this, but it's been something I've been very much interested in for a long long time...anyway, I've installed my filter , heater and lights and they all seem to be working fine, now this is probably the most silliest question you have ever heard but I have to it ok for me to put my hand inside the tank? (it is full of water) while all this equipment is running?

Something is telling me NOT to put my hand into water which contains electrical equipment for obvious reasons, so do I have to turn off all the equipment before I put my hand in?...I am currently heating the water in the tank for a couple of weeks before I introduce any new fish but I'd like to just rearrange a couple of decorations/plants but I really don't want to have to turn off the electrics (I don't want to interrupt the filtering and heating processes in particular)

I've also set the temperature of the tank to 30 degrees on my heater, do you think this is OK or should I make it lower? I've heard 23-26 is sufficient but thought that might only be for smaller tanks..

I really appreciate any feedback you could give me as I'd like to be able to keep some fish in a comfortable environment...

Thanks again
The same would apply to fish? the electrical equipment is safe for fish so is safe for you!
Kepp the temp at 30 until you have cycled your tank, Fishless cycling is best you'll learn all about it in the begiinners resource section

The same would apply to fish? the electrical equipment is safe for fish so is safe for you!
Kepp the temp at 30 until you have cycled your tank, Fishless cycling is best you'll learn all about it in the begiinners resource section


Cheers Dogson, I think I just needed someone to put my mind at ease lol!

Now that I have that little phobia out of the way I can start concentrating on the fishless cycle, been reading up on it quite a bit so can't wait to get started, once the cycle is complete should I bring the temp down to approx 26?

Thanks again
it is generally advised NOT to stick your hands into water with electrical equipment running incase there is a malfunction of some sort, so it wont hurt for you to turn the power off for a few minutes as you move things about.

Saying that, if there was a poll on here asking who turns off the power before putting their hands in the tank, I bet very few actually do. I certinly dont bother

Have you seen the beginners centre pinned at the top?

Have a read through 'whats cycling?'

Then the topic of how you actually do it

EDIT: 26 sounds about right after cycling :good:
it is generally advised NOT to stick your hands into water with electrical equipment running incase there is a malfunction of some sort, so it wont hurt for you to turn the power off for a few minutes as you move things about.

Saying that, if there was a poll on here asking who turns off the power before putting their hands in the tank, I bet very few actually do. I certinly dont bother

Have you seen the beginners centre pinned at the top?

Have a read through 'whats cycling?'
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Then the topic of how you actually do it
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

EDIT: 26 sounds about right after cycling :good:

Great stuff thanks, I didn't think I would have to go and switch off the mains, but best safe than sorry I suppose, I only filled the tank last night and switched all the power on so I am going to opt for the fishless cycle because I don't wanna be cruel, also, I've noticed that even this morning there's thousands of bubbles formed on the walls inside the front, sides and back of the this normal and will they dissappear of their own accord or do I need to do something to get rid of them?
bubbles are normal mate, it'll settle down over a few days

well done for going fish-less too :)

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