Going to order plants tommorow spending today looking at other island scapes and plants used atm I have 6 cryprs 3 of which grow about 40cm and 3 which are smaller ill check names in a bit - any suggestions on planting appreciated don't want to rush it and make mistakes again
Exactly. It depends what your vision is. The island can be a small central accent on an otherwise plain surround. Like and oasis in the desert. Or it can be just using the foreground and the viewer imagines the sand surrounds it even though you cant see it.
Your suggestion above is good. Take the hardscape out. Put loads of temp plants in. Put the plants in their pots etc. Then get the FE sorted and leave for a while.
Take your time on the hardscape. Think about what you want to do. Then think carefully about the plants and when you are finally ready, get the hardscape photo and mess about with the greens (and other colours if wanted) in MS paint to see what sort of effects you could go for. (remember to save the original photo somewhere so you don't lose it then you can have several plays)
Onve you like the way your doodling looks research the plants to match your doodle. Then research how they grow etc.
When this is done set yourself a time when you can scape it where you have a whole vening or a whole day to do it so you don't have to rush, so you can keep looking and reviewing and get to work. Fish are fine in containers for a day while you do it. then once happy get the water in, get it up to temp and then reacclimitise the fish.
Water changes daily for a week or 2 to make sure nothing goes wrong and then sit back, admire, watch it grow, prune it when needed etc.
Patience is key to success. None of the scapes you see (with a few rare exceptions) were created on a whim and thrown together on the spur of the moment