Ngā Reo O Aotearoa (Voices Of Aotearoa)

Going to empty the tank of scape tommorow and go back to moddeling on the table its to big an island tbh and it doesnt have the definition to actually look like one to me it just looks like an overscaped centre ignoring all the rules about scaping dont think im really happy with it atm and I don't want to proceed till I am.

I may just keep the hardscape for another day and go back to just planted we shall see. For now this journal can probably be closed.
This is the hard part of scaping. Many ask 'suggest plants' however we can only see your hardscape. the 'compeleted vision' is in your head. Even if you decribe your vision to us we will interpret it differently.

Therefore do you want to have a scape where we suggest plants for what we would do? or do you want a scape that matches your vision?

Please forgive my last post been a bit depressed and finding this a little overwhelming :blush: I do like my scape although I have been playing with my rocks again I cant help it lol and I suspect ill need to remove one or two as im planting and put them back in when im done.

I know I like crypts anubias and the needle fern :good: but im totally unsure as to things like should I have high plants on the back of the island ? should i have small stuff nestling in the cracks at the front ? Even then things like the ferns should i tie to the wood the rock or neither ?

i think lack of knowledge as to the ins and outs of plant choice and placement is scaring me but its something I need to learn I dont want this to be my last scape. I guess if im honest im frustrated at myself for needing to ask these questions and not being able to work it out for myself.

Your hardscape is too big for an island?

Can you do 2 islands?

A useful article from Jason Baliban:

A twisty wood corner island?

Just a few searches. Was looking for an island scape I once saw that used red plants to imitate the look of a fire. Can't find it though. lol

Wow I see what you mean about the 1st link for some reason i kept thinking island had to have plenty space all around I see I was way off base there ! When we move house in about 18 months this 371L is going in the new dining room and I have my eye on a 1000L tank to go right down 1 side of the living room but thats another story :hey: gotta get this one going first lol
Going to order plants tommorow spending today looking at other island scapes and plants used atm I have 6 cryprs 3 of which grow about 40cm and 3 which are smaller ill check names in a bit - any suggestions on planting appreciated don't want to rush it and make mistakes again :good:
Exactly. It depends what your vision is. The island can be a small central accent on an otherwise plain surround. Like and oasis in the desert. Or it can be just using the foreground and the viewer imagines the sand surrounds it even though you cant see it.

Your suggestion above is good. Take the hardscape out. Put loads of temp plants in. Put the plants in their pots etc. Then get the FE sorted and leave for a while.

Take your time on the hardscape. Think about what you want to do. Then think carefully about the plants and when you are finally ready, get the hardscape photo and mess about with the greens (and other colours if wanted) in MS paint to see what sort of effects you could go for. (remember to save the original photo somewhere so you don't lose it then you can have several plays)

Onve you like the way your doodling looks research the plants to match your doodle. Then research how they grow etc.

When this is done set yourself a time when you can scape it where you have a whole vening or a whole day to do it so you don't have to rush, so you can keep looking and reviewing and get to work. Fish are fine in containers for a day while you do it. then once happy get the water in, get it up to temp and then reacclimitise the fish.

Water changes daily for a week or 2 to make sure nothing goes wrong and then sit back, admire, watch it grow, prune it when needed etc.

Patience is key to success. None of the scapes you see (with a few rare exceptions) were created on a whim and thrown together on the spur of the moment

Nothing happening atm re this tank - I've kinda lost interest for now so all I've done is remove the moss from the wood (to many fish ripping it off and let it as wood and rock. Decided against running the C02 for now I'm just not confortable with it.

So for now this journal is going inactive.
take your time. take a break. Let your mind relax. Sometimes it is easier that way rather than trying to 'force' things along :)

True ^^^^^^^^^^ I done it with my new scape, was up till early hours of the morning so I gave up, went to bed, got up with a fresh head and carried on. :)

(Had to remove the flame moss cichlids were hauling it off and making a total mess) also removed the rocks as I didnt like the layout at all adjusted the wood slightly also



Still got to plant the needle and phillipine java fern (when they arrive and make some small adjustments to the front rocks. Also need some red in the crypts I think but its getting nearer to the image in my head I think ....

Looking good, cant wait too see it once its grown in.
This should be taking a leap on in about 2 weeks time. I've ordered the following plants to move the scape along as well as about another £60 of Manzanita wood as I have a clearer idea in my head now of what I want from my island (the wood will end up poking out through the central ferns giving mass) The existing wood will be kept (well most of it lol I'm just adding some more to give a denser core of wood but also to allow me to get it just how i want by having more to select from I wont force it all in the tank just what looks right to me.

Philippine Java fern
Quantity: 9

Needle leaf Java fern
Quantity: 6

Anubias minima variegated
Quantity: 3

Anubias lanceolata
Quantity: 3

Driftwood String x 10
Quantity: 3

Will be picking up a few more crypyts on sunday at a local fish club auction to go round the sides as well it prob sounds odd but I've got it all planned in my head :hey:



Well the extra wood arrived and luckily enough so did the plants on the same day

All the wood is in and I've planted the 6 portions of Java Needle (well not planted but tied on to the wood :hey:) the new anubia arrived also all courtesy of AquaticMagic the wood coming from AquaEssentials.

The Java Fern Phillipine isnt in the tank yet thats getting done tommorow its in my holding tank till I get enough time to place the rocks its attached to into the tank.

Philippine Java Fern 9
Needle leaf Java fern 6
Anubias minima variegated 4
Anubias lanceolata 4

+ the existing crypts and smaller anubias


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