I dont post on here too much, but I thought Id show my aqauarium to everyone just so I can get some comments how to make it better etc
Without firther adue:
Today I redid the scape in my rio 125l.
I brought a bag of 3l aquasoil (fine) to cap my current substrate, was was suprised that I got a layer of about 3cm fully over the tank with some spare :thumbup: so I can keep it for later if needed.
A few details:
Hardscape- Manzanita wood from Plantbrain and some mountain rocks I found whilst on holiday.
Lighting- juwel 28w t5 tubes, 1 daylight and 1 nature
Substrate- Tetraplant complete (gravel on top) and oliver knotts naturesoil on top of it all
Flow- 600lph juwel pump, 300lph eheim 2213 filter
co2- fire extinguisher 3bps
ferts- Im trying out easylife profito so I havent got the dosage in my head, but Ill see the results soon I hope
Before the new aquascape:
From today:
Plant list:
Taiwan moss on the wood (Thanks A1matt :thumbup: )
Vallis nana
Echinodorus bleheri x2
Cryptocoryne willisii x4 (pots)
Anubias barteri var. barteri x2
I recieved the crypts, anubias and Echinodorus bleheri from The Aquatic Room and I was impressed. They were cheaper than Tropica plants, and the quality was more than decent. The anubias were on the small side, however these should grow out soon, I was very impressed at the amount of crypts I got per pot, about 15. Overall, Pleased!
I tried to remove all of the algae that I could, but on the filter box you can still see some unfortunately. I may increase the flow by adding a powerhead of ebay when I get the money to, I think Aaron north got one, 300lph for about £15?
Please leave comments, I really like my scape so hopefully you do too
I tried to remove all of the algae that I could, but on the filter box you can still see some unfortunately. I may increase the flow by adding a powerhead of ebay when I get the money to, I think Aaronnorth got one, 300lph for about £15?
Without firther adue:
Today I redid the scape in my rio 125l.
I brought a bag of 3l aquasoil (fine) to cap my current substrate, was was suprised that I got a layer of about 3cm fully over the tank with some spare :thumbup: so I can keep it for later if needed.
A few details:
Hardscape- Manzanita wood from Plantbrain and some mountain rocks I found whilst on holiday.
Lighting- juwel 28w t5 tubes, 1 daylight and 1 nature
Substrate- Tetraplant complete (gravel on top) and oliver knotts naturesoil on top of it all
Flow- 600lph juwel pump, 300lph eheim 2213 filter
co2- fire extinguisher 3bps
ferts- Im trying out easylife profito so I havent got the dosage in my head, but Ill see the results soon I hope
Before the new aquascape:
From today:
Plant list:
Taiwan moss on the wood (Thanks A1matt :thumbup: )
Vallis nana
Echinodorus bleheri x2
Cryptocoryne willisii x4 (pots)
Anubias barteri var. barteri x2
I recieved the crypts, anubias and Echinodorus bleheri from The Aquatic Room and I was impressed. They were cheaper than Tropica plants, and the quality was more than decent. The anubias were on the small side, however these should grow out soon, I was very impressed at the amount of crypts I got per pot, about 15. Overall, Pleased!
I tried to remove all of the algae that I could, but on the filter box you can still see some unfortunately. I may increase the flow by adding a powerhead of ebay when I get the money to, I think Aaron north got one, 300lph for about £15?
Please leave comments, I really like my scape so hopefully you do too
I tried to remove all of the algae that I could, but on the filter box you can still see some unfortunately. I may increase the flow by adding a powerhead of ebay when I get the money to, I think Aaronnorth got one, 300lph for about £15?