What made you link it to Prime?, its not a Dechlorinator, nor a liquid. If I had to guess I would suspect it is more like Purigen. I'll post again once Hagen gets back to me.
That was my doing, as I mentioned Prime in my post. Both products claim to deal with nitrite and nitrate, and I just think this is generally not wise as it is bound to somehow mess around with the natural nitrification by bacteria/plants/organics. If there is a specific short-term issue, that might be different. As for Purigen, I would not use this in a planted tank either. Here again you have a chemical substance that is messing around with nitrification, plus it does (as Seachem admit) remove some trace minerals so in a planted tank this is once again counter-productive.
I think many of us, and I have in the past certainly, tend to forget that a balanced aquarium will run itself. Nature has had millions of years to perfect things, and whenever possible the safest and easiest system is one that leaves most of all this to nature. Provided one keeps everything in balance, this cannot fail. But the more chemical substances entering such a closed system, the more the liklihood that something will go wrong.
I'm eagerly awaiting Hagen's response on the product.