My name is Lavender and I am the proud owner of 4 Mollies and about 30 Molly fry. Three of my mollies and the babies do not have names because I cannot tell them apart right now...they are all to small. I will be looking for names for my new adults here soon while I am online before I go and do something else. Bu the Mommy of all my cute lil babies is Trinity, I got her because she was fat and I thought a fat fish would be cute. I didnt know she was preggers...Trinirty is a Dalmation Molly, very cute, is like my doggy but in fish form. Then I have a white Molly with no name, a black one with no name, a marble one with no name...but they will get some soon. They fry are cool, less then a week old. Sadly I was no here so I didnt get to see Trinity "pop" but my sister was here taking good care of her. I love my fish I am sad that work takes me away from them for most of the summer. But when it comes togoing back to school I will be here for them like all the time. I had two fish die one me before I got my three new ones. Kale and Tatamai, I miss them. . I didnt get to say goot bye to Kale, and i was sad but I did get to say goodbye to Tatamai. It was very sad for me and I looked like this..... well I have tons i need to do so Iwill post again later!