Newbie Who Needs Help

go to a website like photobucket a join,upload pics,once uploaded then click on the picture you want,at the bottom there are some things to click, look for the one which begin and end in [ /img]

then click and paste on here,should look something like this
[img] ...whateveryoupicturesnamemightbe.. [ /img]
Welcome to the forum RBurkett.
As Nellie said, the [IMG ] code is the easy way. You copy that code from wherever you store the pictures, I use photobucket, and paste the thing in here as if it were text. Instead of showing the URL, the software interprets it as the picture itself so we all see the picture. This is a picture I took of a juvenile harbor seal a couple of years ago. If you right click and look at the image information, you can even see where it is stored and what it is called in its storage location. If you paste that information into your browser in a separate window, it will take you to the picture.

This is a bit more a fishy picture in the same storage location. A rainbow cichlid with its fry.
Hi im Chris i am new to tropical fish.
I was given a red tailed shark and a pleco, they got on really well until i introduced another pleco into the tank with some tetras. The red tailed shark did not go for the Tetras but he went for the Pleco instead. I am confused because the Pleco is a lot bigger than the Red tailed shark and i got told the Red tailed shark will not attack anything bigger than it self, but my new Pleco has 2 pink flesh marks where the Red tailed shark attacked him.
Can you tell me why the Red tailed shark attacked the Pleco or could he of heart himself? (There is no spiky or sticky out bits in the tank where the Pleco could have court him self on)

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