Newbie Tropical Fish Tank

here is some more, not sure about the tropix at 10.99, seems a little cheap to me, all the others are good though

By the way im have a florescent tube (actually i have that will fit ur tank, i have the same size also with the starter unit to go with it, i dont want to sound like a sales man or anything but thought u might be interested
thanks for the suggestions!

the one that enchanted mentioned, does it have a thermostat? it doesnt have much information about it on there.

maestro - i dont have a lid with a hood unfortunately - i have a glass lid which is half broken anyway! i knelt on it :blush: lol
All the modern heaters have in built thermostats, i recognise the make of that one enchanted mentioned, you just turn a knob on a dial at the top of the heater to adjust the temp.

A metal hood for your tank would only cost £12.95, maybe you could buy one later on or something

it just seems a shame to have nice plants, white gravel and colourfull fish not to have a nice light
maestro said:
it just seems a shame to have nice plants, white gravel and colourfull fish not to have a nice light
lol - sorry i cant really afford all that - nice try though! ;)

as a super cheap option, i'll probably just get those cathodes
as i said above i meant as a later upgrade once you've saved up, i want tryign to sell you stuff, its just that im my opinion a tank without a light is a bit of a waste.
Those heaters are Visi-therm and one of the top rated actually. I currently own 1 and will be only using that brand for my other tanks that will require in tank heaters.

The one I currently own and use keeps the temperature within .3 of 76 at any given time. I use a digital thermometer to verify. :)
i will try and get that heater off ebay then! funds are short at the moment, but i'll try!

i went to the LFS this morning and the woman assured me all the plants they sell are full aquatic :)

she said i should get the heater set up, then try just getting one fish first then if it's alright get some more.

how long do you reccomend i should wait before getting the fish? i have only just set the pump up today, and it will probably be a week or two before i get the heater
i've got that heater now from ebay :)

i'm putting it in tomorrow. how long do you think i should wait then before adding the first fish?

thanks for all your great help so far
If you have tested your water and everything seems fine and/or your tank has cycled, you can add the first couple of fish in a few days time (make sure the heater is working ok for a day or two first). Also get a thermometer BTW - just incase the heater gets stuck or some similar occurance. Make it a habit to check that thermometer every time you feed the fish.
thanks sylvia

im a bit worried about whether my tank has cycled or not though. i've had problems in the past where my fish died a couple of days after i'd bought them.

this time though i've put in a lot of effort and am waiting patiently. i've put in cycle, had the tank setup for two weeks and hopefully because of the snails have it all set up nicely :)

im really annoyed that it seems this hard for me to keep fish, as my jammy girlfriend has had goldfish for 7 years and she's NEVER used tap dechlorinator, used to FULLY clean out the tank once a month, hardly ever does water changes, and has a well overstocked tank, and her fish are fine!!!
Goldfish are exceptionaly hardy but that doesn't mean they are happy. With most tropical fish you need to keep them in good condition for them to survive - something I consider to be a good thing. Just take it slow, test your water after adding the first fish and make sure your tank is cycled before adding any more. I'd wait at least a week before getting more fish if it is cycled. If your tank hasn't cycled yet though, leave that one fish for 6 weeks before adding any more and always add new fish slowly and a few at a time.
hi sylvia

thanks for replying :)

i dont have my own nitrite testing kit at home, so i would have to take it up to the LFS to have it done. how often do you think i should get it tested once the first fish is in?

i did a 20% water change today, should i do another before i get the first fish on saturday?
you should test for ammonia and nitrites everyday at first just to make sure there is no spike.

If after a week you don't notice any spike, chances are your tank is cycled.

Don't forget to get nitrates tested reularly either.

With all the snails you have, I'm pretty sure it has cycled because snails produce a lot of waste. However, nitrates nust be at a high level if you haven't been doing water changes...
yes i admit it - i havent done any water changes for a while... :*)

if im going to get the first fish in 7 days, how many water changes should i do up until then? say 20% once a day every day?

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