Mostly New Member
I'm El, and completely new to this forum and to keeping fish and would really welcome some advice. I'm starting to get the bits together to set up a 120L (32 US gallon, 26 imp gallon) FW tank (Interpet Fish Pod, 120 Litre).
I've been reading this site for a couple of weeks now so I'm also getting the neccesry bits for cycling (ammonia, test kits etc) together too. I was going to use silica sand, wood and Java Fern, Anubias, Moss Balls, Chirstmas Moss for decoration.
But what I'd really like is some advice on is stocking, I'd like a nice passive community tank and these are some of the fish/inverts I've been looking at:
Neon tetra / cardinals ? x 6
Platy x 2
Male Guppy x 6
Endler Guppy x 4
Harelquin Rasboros x 6
Kissing Gourami x 2
Swordtail x ?
Horned Nerite Snail x ?
Shrimps Bumblebee/Blue/Green x ?
Bristelnose Pleco x 1
Corys x ?
Obviously this is way too much but I wondered what I could have. I'd like at least one group of shouling fish, some shrimp, snails and a pleco for algae control. But if you have any advice about numbers or could even suggest any other fish you think might work well, I would really appreciate it.
This is probably where I'll be getting them from as the local aquatics stores don't seem to have much choice: http/
Thanks for you help
I'm El, and completely new to this forum and to keeping fish and would really welcome some advice. I'm starting to get the bits together to set up a 120L (32 US gallon, 26 imp gallon) FW tank (Interpet Fish Pod, 120 Litre).
I've been reading this site for a couple of weeks now so I'm also getting the neccesry bits for cycling (ammonia, test kits etc) together too. I was going to use silica sand, wood and Java Fern, Anubias, Moss Balls, Chirstmas Moss for decoration.
But what I'd really like is some advice on is stocking, I'd like a nice passive community tank and these are some of the fish/inverts I've been looking at:
Neon tetra / cardinals ? x 6
Platy x 2
Male Guppy x 6
Endler Guppy x 4
Harelquin Rasboros x 6
Kissing Gourami x 2
Swordtail x ?
Horned Nerite Snail x ?
Shrimps Bumblebee/Blue/Green x ?
Bristelnose Pleco x 1
Corys x ?
Obviously this is way too much but I wondered what I could have. I'd like at least one group of shouling fish, some shrimp, snails and a pleco for algae control. But if you have any advice about numbers or could even suggest any other fish you think might work well, I would really appreciate it.
This is probably where I'll be getting them from as the local aquatics stores don't seem to have much choice: http/
Thanks for you help