Rebuilding and Restocking

The Anubias and bba is not unexpected. This plant is a slow grower, and thus needs shade. Floating plants usually provide this. BBA is often found on Anubias, like Java Fern too, because the overhead light is too bright.
The otos are a social fish that do better in larger groups; same for the angel, hence the "angriness"...
5 males maybe - throw a female into the mix and you get a pair and the others won't be happy. keyholes can handle both soft and hard water again recommended you start in a group and whittle down to 2 if a pair forms. The trick has to do with the sexes. I've played with all sorts of combos in my 120 (which is heavily planted - see attached picture); it really doens't work well unless the tank has a lot of areas once the sexes start mixing. Also i'm not sure keeping festums with angles is that great (they do co-exist in the wild); they are a much 'stronger' fish. My 450 and 550 will be here soon and then I'll be able to split them up but also see if i can get some decent behavior with mix sex angels in a much larger aquarium. Might report back in a couple of years - with a 10 foot tank they should have enough room for the breeding pair to totally sep from the 'heard' as they say.

Never heard of serape being territorial - i've had as few as 3 and as many as 20 (not same group); in both cases they avoided the angels and spent most of the day chasing each other but nothing else - btw festum will eat serape so if you want to get rid of them just get some festums.

Anyway a bit of an outdated picture of my 120 - it has gotten a lot denser but otherwise pretty much the same:
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The filter dying should not have caused fish deaths, given the tank volume and fish numbers, especially as you have plants. As for the bba, seeing this suddenly appear after a weekend is not too likely, it was already there somewhere and spread. This algae is caused by an imbalance in the light/nutrients. Did you leave the light on, or was it on a timer, or off?

Re the otos, after five years I would not add more here. Leave well enough alone in this case. It is one of the exceptions to larger shoals.

Re the angelfish, just keep an eye on it. I definitely would not add more, this is not going to end well if what you describe in its behaviour is the case.

The other species in your list in post #6 are fine, numbers and species here. The diamond tetra might nip at the angelfish, or might not. A group of 15 could well avoid this, just be sure they are all added together at the same time.
I agree. I've had a couple of power blackouts that have lasted 3 to 4 days, to wake up one morning with all filters running (power back up) without issues. As far as the Angels also from my experience, is a toss of the dice. They are cichlids after all and behave pretty much like it, some can be downright "nasty" though it is beautiful to have a tank with a few, it might not always work out.

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