Newbie betta questions

A five gallon is great for one Betta. They prefer warmer water. 80 degrees is good. Since they are a labyrinth fish and that is a delicate organ they should be breathing warm moist air. A cover is a good thing. It will keep the evaporation down and the air above the water surface humid. A small sponge filter is enough and you could even go with a still tank - no filtration or aeration - just a lot of plants.
Got my plants earlier than expected. Not too happy with the condition as it’s starting to wilt.

Salvaged them best I could and planted them.
Dropped a fert tab and added some Stability. Started cycle with some worm pallets as ammonia source. Here goes nothing lol.
Tap water getting colder now at around 17C so need to mix with hot water when changing water.

Tried my best to baffle the filter but I think the flow is too strong.

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