Man of fish
I'm Interested in.... ----|> that
Oh crap!!!! I knew they weren't poisonous, just couldn't think if the other word. I've experienced the hair flicking first hand. Not fun!!!!! Well it still doesn't scare ne, but I don't know if I'll be letting it walk on me anymore lol!
Oddly enough, the only spider that doesn't scare me is tarantulas. I guess it's because my cousin has one as a pet and I've had to tolerate it, but the poison has been removed from it.
And not to make you phobic of a tarantula you arent currently phobic of... BUT.... two things:
A/ Tarantulas arent poisonous... they are venemous (not that i recommend eating one to find out?!)
B/ You can't remove the venom from a spider without killing it... Its all in ducts behind their teeth, the only way you could do it would be to remove the spiders fangs... by which point it would have starved to death as it wouldnt be able to catch/kill its prey or chew its food up to swallow it... and more to the point, thy grow new fangs every timr they moult which is pretty regularly!
Sooooo..... your cousin has been telling you fibs!However... lots of tarantulas arent venemous and most don't even want to bite, it puts them too close to whatever is scaring them! They can however flick lots of tiny tiny hairs over quite a distance, most humans would hardly notice an itch if at all, for small predatory mammals, an eyefull would certainly hurt!