New To The Hobby Name Change?

Which do you prefer?

  • New to hobby

    Votes: 19 79.2%
  • Your first fresh water tank

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters


Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Derbyshire, United Kingdom
What was the point? Many people keep fish before actually coming onto here and learning about cycling etc, new to the hobby was a much better name IMO, It's just not the same, it's too wordy for me, maybe I'm just too picky.
i agree, i had my tank about a year before i came here. and it might confuse new people who would have posted on new to the hobby, but might post in the wrong section, and not get any advise. :good:
Woah hadnt noticed until I read this that it had been changed, preferred it how it was.
Keep the opinions coming, I would like some member input on this. There's been a few other minor changes, forum detectives get to work!
The new name is silly etc, I mean. And lolwut because I hadn't noticed it for some reason, and because it's silly.
I'm trying to steer away from the word "new" as it in my mind connotes "newbie". There is always a bit of stigma associated with newbie, rookie, whatever the term may be. Let's hear some ideas for a title up there that don't have this sort of association!
I didn't really notice haha, But I don't spend much time to the North of the forums these days.
I don't think you can get away from 'New' in that part of the forum. I'd go back to the original name.
I'm trying to steer away from the word "new" as it in my mind connotes "newbie". There is always a bit of stigma associated with newbie, rookie, whatever the term may be. Let's hear some ideas for a title up there that don't have this sort of association!

I'd honestly say that the new name implies that more than the previous one- to me it seems a bit 'aww, diddums, first tank' if you see what I mean. 'New to the hobby' is pretty much a statment of fact, and sounds a lot better than alternate ways of saying the same thing without using the word new. I think it also makes it clearer where people are supposed to post.
How about a third alternative? The issues that appear there most often are stocking questions, equipment issues and cycling questions. It is not really about being new to the hobby as much as things related to setting up a new or even a larger tank. The concept that I think we want to put across is that if you are setting up a new tank, even tank number 7, it is a place to get your questions answered. How about My New Tank, rather than the idea that it is just for new fish keepers or first time tanks. If I had a nice community display running for 3 or 4 years and had done nothing but care for that tank, I would have lots of questions about how to start adding tanks in a new fish room. Most of those questions would be appropriate for that section of the forum. That is why I am trying to avoid the New to the Hobby or even the First Freshwater Tank titles. They both imply newbie, not the idea of dealing with a new tank. Even an experienced person who has not set up a new tank in a while is a bit lost.

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