New To The Hobby - Corydoras Tank

Ahh k since it wont have a nagative effect ill just add it :D with the ammonia
Toolenar said:
He said the process can be speeded up to about a week. Is this a good way to do the cycling?
This timescale is very unlikely. You are looking at 6 weeks at least for a fishless cycle, more like 10.
Im not in a hurry so ill see :D gonna set it up tonight, and fill it tommorow
Ok here are some first pictures as promised, I just glued in the background, also found out they are 10cm to short so I now have 5cm of background missing on both sides, but it will have to do. Also decided to buy the stand for it, the cabinet we wanted to put it on doesn't seem so sturdy after all. Ill take some proper pictures when its all set up and filled with water tommorow.


Looks so tiny with the wideangle lens on my cam


Lots of chemicals!


The filter


putting in the background, took me half an hour to wash the glue from my hands
Great, it's going to look magnificent once you get it up and running.

Just out of interest, how much did this cost you? I'm especially interested in the cost of the textured background...
They had loads of backgrounds, these where the cheapest at 14,95 per panel, I bought 2. But some go even up to 200euro o0. In total It cost me 500 (the salesman was pretty good at his job), but I got 2 roommates who are also chipping in a bit. So we decided to buy the stand aswell (89euro) and im prolly gonna buy a proper testing kit aswell these strips dont test for ammonia :(
i'd definatley go for the proper test kit, they last ages so will be well worth the extra.

Cories are great little fish, good with pretty much anything (community wise)

In planted tanks most people go with

1-2 Large/Medium Fish (top centerpice fish)
A large shoal (mid)
Shoal of cories (bottom)

Good starter plants are Cabomba, Amazon Swords, Java Ferns, Mosses, Elgeia Densa (Pond Weed) :good:
Thx for the advice,what would you consider good centerpiece fish ? Im gonna buy some plants and some wood in about a week, my roommate has offered to pay for them so ill look it over with him. I personally was thinking to using plants that grow on the wood, and maybe 1 extra species to put in the background.
Personally I like Java fern and Anubias, they are easily tied to wood etc and look pretty nice together. I've also got some java moss, and although I liked the idea of it, I tied it to wood and no matter how hard I tried to tie it down some of it seemed to escape and clog my filter...i guess the best way is using a hair net or the like.

As for centre piece fish, how about pearl gouramis, maybe 2 females and a male, i believe they like having a lot of vegetation, shaded areas, and shouldnt be housed with aggressive fish such as cichlids but other than that they are quite beautiful.

Be good to see how your tank turns out.
just a quick question....
were do you live? I currently live near Roermond (Limburg)
Pearl Gouramis are stunning fish and could potentially be stocked in your tank however you have to bear in mind they can grow up to 4 inches or more.
What is the pH of your water? That will help determine what fish you can keep with the most ease.
What is the pH of your water? That will help determine what fish you can keep with the most ease.

Just measured my tap and it is around 7.5 - 8, havnt checked the color with daylight so it might be off.

I just filled my tank with water, ill post some pics later tonight.

I just added ammonia to the tank, can I test it right away or should I wait a while for it to mix ?

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