That's the one I use.
When you do a water change once you have fish you will need to add some to the new water. If you use a bucket to refill, add it to each bucketful at the dose rate for the water in each bucket. I have chlorine in my tap water and I can't lift heavy buckets so to refill I put 2 drops of the Tap Water Conditioner in the bucket then put cold tap water and a kettleful of boiling water up to the 7.6 litre mark - that's 2 gallons. API is American so it's US gallons, 1 US gallon = 3.8 litres.
If you use a hosepipe to refill, that's different.
As for chloramine, you could try contacting your water company to ask if they use chlorine or chloramine. Chloramine is ammonia and chlorine joined together and dechlorinators split them up and remove the chlorine part, the plants/bacteria remove the ammonia part. That API dechlorinator has different doses for chlorine and chloramine. If you have chlorine in your tap water, you need to use the lower dose.
When you do a water change once you have fish you will need to add some to the new water. If you use a bucket to refill, add it to each bucketful at the dose rate for the water in each bucket. I have chlorine in my tap water and I can't lift heavy buckets so to refill I put 2 drops of the Tap Water Conditioner in the bucket then put cold tap water and a kettleful of boiling water up to the 7.6 litre mark - that's 2 gallons. API is American so it's US gallons, 1 US gallon = 3.8 litres.
If you use a hosepipe to refill, that's different.
Sorry, I typed that quickly as I was being nagged to go out and didn't explain fully. The method on here looks very complicated at first but there is a short version which is easier to follow. At the start it's what I said earlier about testing every 3 days till you get certain readings for ammonia and nitrite.Okay I shall also add some tetra safe start in now
You mentioned “following the method on here”
Sorry we’re abouts will I find that? Or is that a short answer
Simplified Fishless Cycling Instructions
So the main sticky for Fishless cycling is great but it suffers a little from information overload and that makes it hard for some to follow the instructions. I thought I would have a go at a "condensed" version. This is in no way meant to replace the original instructions but just act as a...
As for chloramine, you could try contacting your water company to ask if they use chlorine or chloramine. Chloramine is ammonia and chlorine joined together and dechlorinators split them up and remove the chlorine part, the plants/bacteria remove the ammonia part. That API dechlorinator has different doses for chlorine and chloramine. If you have chlorine in your tap water, you need to use the lower dose.