New To Planted Tanks

Yeh, plants use all three types of N -> NH3, NO2 and NO3. This why in high light tanks we have to add both NO3 and PO4 to give the plants plenty of food.

Once the tank is up a running, you could do 50% water changes every week or two weeks depending on how much you can be arsed! I do my low light tanks every 2 weeks.

Yeh, plants use all three types of N -> NH3, NO2 and NO3. This why in high light tanks we have to add both NO3 and PO4 to give the plants plenty of food.

Once the tank is up a running, you could do 50% water changes every week or two weeks depending on how much you can be arsed! I do my low light tanks every 2 weeks.


cheers Sam,

Once I've figured out how to load pics onto this website then I will load them.

Ps my girlfriend bought me an ornament of a crocodile and an air pump so I have to put it on the tank or she will be most upset. I am going to leave the airpump off as much as possible though to avoid Co2 waste. I might stick it on at night though as I am not sure what to do about the night Co2, I read it might affect ph levels over night. My tap water has a ph of around 7.5-8.0.

You can leave CO2 running 24/7, I do in two of my tank. But some people like to run the air pump at night to give the fish a rest from the high CO2 levels. Just turn it off 1 to 2 hrs before the light comes on to give the CO2 a chance to build up.

BTW what substrate did you decided on in the end? Its been a long thread :lol: :S

You can leave CO2 running 24/7, I do in two of my tank. But some people like to run the air pump at night to give the fish a rest from the high CO2 levels. Just turn it off 1 to 2 hrs before the light comes on to give the CO2 a chance to build up.

BTW what substrate did you decided on in the end? Its been a long thread :lol: :S


I got fine black gravel from pets at home. I quite like it, I also put some mineral substrate at the bottom but some of it has mixed in a bit with the black gravel.

I have started a new thread in the pictures section so I will continue in there, thanks very much for your help on this.

I feel much more confident with plants now.

Whats mineral substrate?

No probs on the help, happy to do it. It can be a tricky thing to get into, as there is lots to think about :)


Why not have the journal in the planted forum? You'll prob get more advice if its in here :)

Looking forward to the pics

Whats mineral substrate?

No probs on the help, happy to do it. It can be a tricky thing to get into, as there is lots to think about :)


Why not have the journal in the planted forum? You'll prob get more advice if its in here :)

Looking forward to the pics


I though pics were only aloud in the other forum. I best get it moved.

Whats mineral substrate?

No probs on the help, happy to do it. It can be a tricky thing to get into, as there is lots to think about :)


Why not have the journal in the planted forum? You'll prob get more advice if its in here :)

Looking forward to the pics


I though pics were only aloud in the other forum. I best get it moved.


Photo now loaded on at;#entry1430327


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