New To Marine


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
I have been running in my Fluval 125lt for 3 wks, it is using tet ex1200 filter, v2 300 compact skimmer, and has 2x T8 power glo lighting (will be adding LCD blue later). also I have 1 power head to put in when needed.

is this long enough to start putting in stock (will be using live rock (how much would you suggest))

would like anemone and some coral but the kids are insisting I have Clown fish(Nemo :hey: )which types would you suggest.

would like to post pics but cant get them small enough (more suggetions)
I have been running in my Fluval 125lt for 3 wks, it is using tet ex1200 filter, v2 300 compact skimmer, and has 2x T8 power glo lighting (will be adding LCD blue later). also I have 1 power head to put in when needed.

:hi: Gandalf - 125 litres is a good size for a nano

is this long enough to start putting in stock (will be using live rock (how much would you suggest))

I am a bit curious why you have been running an empty tank for three weeks? So, first things first - the live rock and then the cycle. You will need approx 13 kilos :look:

would like anemone and some coral but the kids are insisting I have Clown fish(Nemo :hey: )which types would you suggest.

I dont blame them, a nice pair of tank bred juvie common percs :good: A nem is a no, no at the moment, they need a mature tank and really a bigger tank - clowns will host with many things, so you dont need a Nem

would like to post pics but cant get them small enough (more suggetions)

Get yourself a free account on Photobucket - upload your photos and then copy and paste the img code that you will find under the photo

Dont forget to start a journel so we can watch your progress :good:

Seffie x
seffie thank you for the info that helps me to get started,

as for running empty I have been using a cycle formula to get the bacteria started which I am hoping will cure the rock quicker.

How would I start a journal is it the same as a normal post but in the journal section?
seffie thank you for the info that helps me to get started,

you are welcome - we all start somewhere and did help

as for running empty I have been using a cycle formula to get the bacteria started which I am hoping will cure the rock quicker.

Well, you can save yourself some money and stop doing that - the cycle will not start until you have your live rock in - the rule in salt water is never add anything to your water that you are not testing for

How would I start a journal is it the same as a normal post but in the journal section?

Yes, it certainly is

So what have you actualy got in the tank at the moment, just water?

Seffie x
I have put the argonite subtrate in, and the water is salted to 1.022

the lfs had told me I had to run in the skimmer for a few days and I hate to see stagnant water so I just keep it running until I can get hold of the lr (pay day)


out of curiosity could I add anything else before the lr goes in or am I best to wait.
You mean adding livestock before the LR?
Definitely a no-no. Put the LR in first and then wait for your tank to cycle before adding any livestock :)
Nemo thanks for that as you can tell I am new to marine although I have experience with tropicals and it seems that all the tropical rules go out the window when setting up (to a certain degree, but I am learning fast)

I think I realy need to do more reading rather than listening to the LFS :blush:
Hi :hi:

Start a thread with a brief intro, list of your equipment, plans, etc.....PM me when it's done and I will be happy to move it into the marine journal area if you please, or, you can just leave it here in the marine chat section as it will probably get more views and responses for now.

SH best. The LFS is NOT always right. Bounce stuff off your members here. They are in the trenches and working with this stuff daily and with all sorts of tanks. SH
steelhealr Thank you, but I will get around to starting a journal as soon as I can get some more pics,

The whole idea of joining here was so I can experience first hand views from people who have the same issues, so far I have to say I am impressed with the knowledge of so many folks , so in advance cheers to you all.
De nada. We have a few very good...very experienced contributors here. Good luck and welcome aboard. SH

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