New To Marine, Want To Set Up A Nano


Fish Fanatic
Dec 10, 2007
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Hey everyone,

I have been reading the forum for quite a few days and have read all the pinned's especially SH journal, great work btw. I have always wanted to set up a nano tank and have been researching it since April. I have had FW tanks for years and think I want to try taking the next step. My main question is for everyone's opinion: Am I better off building a tank or buying something like the Nano Cube? More questions to come later after I get a few responses.

Thanks, and I hope to be helpful to the community.
I'll take the other side. I like doing it up. I've always posted here that the most flexible tank is a 20G Long. You can start out with PC lighting..change to halide if you want someday or even start off with halides. You can add a can add a can design it the way you like. Just my personal opinion.

There (cough, obviously) is nothing wrong with the 'out of the box' tank, but, they need a good amount of tweaking unless you have a few bucks to throw away and can purchased a modified one. SH
I really wouldn't mind purchasing an out of the box model, tweaking it would not be a problem, I don't plan on ever going past any mushroom corals so the lighting wouldn't be so much of a big deal. Steelhealr, I really like the way you had set up your nano with all of the modifications, I was thinking of going with the 12G nano, but has anyone had any experience with the AquaPod?
Hey nogaro. I have a 24g Aquapod with PC lighting. Havent had any problems. Im sure if u have read up on these through the forums most people upgrade the pump and removed the media. I upgraded to a maxijet 1200. Much better flow. The reason i bought this tank was that it looks nice and clean all closed in with a cover. In my opinion though, if u are mechanically inclined at all, id buy everything seperately (tank,pump lights etc). There isnt much room to expand if u decide to (and with the addicting qualities of this hobby be certain you will). No way to add a decent protein skimmer or sump without major mods. If u have ur heart set on an all-in-one you may also look into the Red Sea MAX. It comes with built-in protein skimmer and 110 watt pc lighting. Good luck!

Just read through my post and it seems like i was putting down Aquapod haha. It is a good system all in all and i havent had any problems with it!!!
I hear a lot of people say a lot of good things about aquapods. Also I've seen a lot of sites dedicated to selling aquapod mods.
As far as the pre built systems, I just don't feel like they would be worth the money spent considering I wouldn't really be using the supplied filtration. I feel like I would be happier building my own but I am not sure if I will have the time. I was thinking about a 20g long, I have read a lot of positive things about using 20g longs. I really want to get this project started bu the end of January since I will have more time to dedicate to the tank. I really want the set up to look as clean as possible with as little visible mechanics showing.
20g long sounds great. Sky is the limit. You can make the tank as simple or complex as you want. Keep us posted!
Alright after looking at a few websites, can I use Canister Filter and just fill it with LR Rubble for Filtration? That way I figure it will help to keep the tank clean looking, I wish I could pay someone to help me figure out what exactly I want to do as far as filtration and water movement.
So for a 20g Long would 185gph be enough, should I look into something larger or possibly add a maxi jet for more flow, or a wave maker? I was thinking that eventually I would run the flow through a refugium before back into the tank, any ideas as far as good flow for a 20g long?
IT all comes down to what you want to keep in the tank. One of those rule of thumb things...10X flow is the minimum would be 200gph. However, if you were just going to keep some softies, 185 would probably be fine. You can always add another powerhead later. SH
Alright so for now, I purchased a 20g long fresh water. I have to get rid of all of my geckos to do a saltwater, I will do a 10g with either;pcatid=13734 or;pcatid=13637 for lighting. Which one is better overall? I plan on running either a cascade 700 or 1000 canister filter with an inline heater with a glass versa top. Right now in the 20g l I am running a 30" Corallife PC light and a Cascade 1000 with an inline heater.
My nanocube is really good. And for lighting i would recommend the K-2 viper 70 watt for a 12 gallon and a 150 watt for the 24 gallon. I'm two days from getting my viper right now! :hooray:

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