New To Bettas

Thanks for the replies!

Okay, I promise I will have pictures posted tomorrow... If I don't...

Sorry! I just sent him the pictures to upload because I obviously do not know what I am doing on here. Anyways going to warn you that my tank is not anything special compared to some that I have seen! I think my fish is pretty though! ;)
Here are the pictures, as promised.




Thanks, I m glad you like it!

We are in the process of trying to figure out what to make a cover out of. I don't think they make covers for round tops like that?

Thanks again!

How many litres is that tank?
You do know that plastic plants can tear a bettas fins, right?
Has he got a heater, its just i dont see one.

*second paragraph was removed.........*
It's very pretty :nod:

How are you heating it? Also, beware of plastic plants - they can (and will) tear his fins. If they are incredibly soft, it might be ok, but to be sure take a pair of tights/stockings or very fine mesh and run them over the leaves - if they snag, your bettas fins will. If it's a problem, you should be able to find some pretty silk plants.

Not sure how you could cover it - maybe get a sheet of glass cut?
Thanks guys for the replies!

This is FHM by the

We are currently in the process of finding a legit cover, and yes we are aware of the plants, but this plastic plant we have is rather soft and Sparkler has yet to get snagged in it. However we are keeping our eyes open for a nice silk plant; she wants a pink one, lol.

The room temp is in the mid to upper 70's, so no need for a heater. (It gets in the 80's in the summer)

Also, the tank size is 2.5 gallons.

Thanks again!

What kind of Bettas can live together, as far as gender goes?



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