New To Betta

I'm really not trying to be argumentative Michelle, but I really think you need to do a bit more research.

Male bettas will fight with each other, but you can get some with laid back personalities that can live with suitable tank mates.

Female and males do not generally go well together, unless for very short periods of time for breeding.

2 females will bicker, but a bigger group of 6+ will work well, as this spreads out aggression.

Betta do no like bad water, they are like all other fish- they deserve good clean conditions. This is a common misconception because of their labirynth system- this means they can last a bit longer than other fish in terrible conditions. It is however not humane in the slighest, and they should always be kept in a cycled and filtered tank of at least 5 gallons.

Feeding 2 times a day can quickly lead to bad health problems, including bloat and constipation- two common betta killers.

Again, I hope this comes across ok, I really don't mean it in a nasty way at all. Just read up about betta and get to know them a bit better before you start giving out advice :good:
Totally agree with everything Flute said, i especially doubt there is even a single fish in existence that 'likes' bad water quality.
Personally I wouldnt recomend the Fluval Edge or Chi tanks for Siames Fighters. They are both lovely looking tanks (i had the fluval edge for ages!) but neither are really suitable. The Fluval Edge because of its lack of surface space for a labyrinth fish and the hand on filter in te only gap forcing the fighter away from the surface.

The Chi Tanks don't have ver good filtration, a knack for breaknig repeatedly as the filter/light unit is all in one and has an open top (even the cheap lid they make doesnt help) leaving loads of room for a fighter to jump out (and believe me they do!).

The Arcadia tanks are beautiful looking tanks!! I also like the Superfish "Home" tank, thats more in style with the Edge tanks you like and has fancy LEDs, good little filter, 25 liters and a lid so the fighter cant get out.

I also like the Fluval Flora tank as well, depends if you want planted tank really...

Another thing I like for giving a small tank something else to watch without taking much space are the coloured Ramshorn snails, the Pink Ones are really great!
I have my betta in a superfish wave 15l tank, he is doing very well and makes bubble nests every day (poor randy sod). I know that others may disagree but i think it is the perfect size for him and his tiny pygmy cory companions and it is a neat little tank that has various light settings and a concealed heater and filter, so it looks really smooth.

I also have an arcadia arc 20l which at the moment is a QT tank but that would also work for a betta, maybe one slightly bigger or more adventurous than mine (he has one eye so doesnt tend to go far!). Compared to the wave 15, it doesn't look as good as the filter and heater take up space in the tank rather than being hidden. However, it is still a good tank to consider and as it is slightly bigger you have more options for decore etc.

I also have an edge sitting empty and the reason is basically that it isnt terribly practical; it looks best when competely full of water but that doesn't allow fish that surface breathe to get air. Although it is the biggest at 23l and is longer, i wouldn't put as many fish in it as the others due to the small surface area. Neons would look stunning in it maybe, but not a lot else!
I have the Arcadia arc 35 as mentioned earlier by flute. I have it in my office which is modern and the tank looks great in my opinion. Bargain too, cost aprox £40 with inc light and filter.

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