I'm really not trying to be argumentative Michelle, but I really think you need to do a bit more research.
Male bettas will fight with each other, but you can get some with laid back personalities that can live with suitable tank mates.
Female and males do not generally go well together, unless for very short periods of time for breeding.
2 females will bicker, but a bigger group of 6+ will work well, as this spreads out aggression.
Betta do no like bad water, they are like all other fish- they deserve good clean conditions. This is a common misconception because of their labirynth system- this means they can last a bit longer than other fish in terrible conditions. It is however not humane in the slighest, and they should always be kept in a cycled and filtered tank of at least 5 gallons.
Feeding 2 times a day can quickly lead to bad health problems, including bloat and constipation- two common betta killers.
Again, I hope this comes across ok, I really don't mean it in a nasty way at all. Just read up about betta and get to know them a bit better before you start giving out advice
Male bettas will fight with each other, but you can get some with laid back personalities that can live with suitable tank mates.
Female and males do not generally go well together, unless for very short periods of time for breeding.
2 females will bicker, but a bigger group of 6+ will work well, as this spreads out aggression.
Betta do no like bad water, they are like all other fish- they deserve good clean conditions. This is a common misconception because of their labirynth system- this means they can last a bit longer than other fish in terrible conditions. It is however not humane in the slighest, and they should always be kept in a cycled and filtered tank of at least 5 gallons.
Feeding 2 times a day can quickly lead to bad health problems, including bloat and constipation- two common betta killers.
Again, I hope this comes across ok, I really don't mean it in a nasty way at all. Just read up about betta and get to know them a bit better before you start giving out advice