New tank

Ok, thanks for that, I will pick up a few small bits this weekend and add to it as and when. Till its too much of course. I will keep the swimming area at the front free so I should be able to get another 5-6Kg at the back, is that a good amount?


[EDIT: Spelling]
Sure! in my 40 gallon i started with the bare minimum and added a few bits here and there.
From here you can build to your own tastes in the comfort that your filtration can handle some livestock now
Thanks Navarre, I will get a pair of the smallest clowns and maybe a six line wrasse or scooter blennie. These ok, I know the clowns will settle if I get small ones, but do you suggest another or is my choice of wrasse/blennie ok? not both!

just go with the clowns for now. check water perameters for a week or so and see if there are any fluctuations. if all is ok then add the wrasse if you like. I would not get a scooter blenny just yet as htey are similar in requirements to a mandarin and require loads of liverock to survive as they are primarily pod feeders
Thanks, and am I correct in going for the clowns, letting them establish themselves then adding the wrasse as i have heard they can be nasty to new fish.

if you choose perculas (common clowns) then you should be ok, (especially if small).

Maroons and tomatoes get a nasty temper as they grow.

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