Sorrell, no more tanks in the house for me. The last house that we lived in before we bought the one that we are currently in, I had two aquariums in the living room, one in our bedroom, and one in one of my sons' room. Also at times would set up a ten gallon or two in the kitchen as a temporary thing, also have had a betta or two in the bathroom. My wife has very sensitive hearing, and the sound of the filters and pumps and splashing water got to be too much for her, it was at her insistence that our next home have a place for me to enjoy my hobby and for her not to

Anyway, I was bitten by the fish bug at probably 7 or 8 years old, so I've been keeping fish for at least 35 years now. When I was a teenager I had about 10 to 12 tanks, also bred bettas so had small betta tanks everywhere. That was the most tanks I have ever had until now, and as I say, I'm somewhere near 30, setting more tanks up almost weekly as one fish or another spawns and I need a new nursery! I'm having a blast! I really need to update my sig soon, it's out of date. Yesterday a friend of mine at work gave me a gorgeous female yellow lab cichlid and a senegal bichir, he's moving and wants to start a new tank in his new house, something less aggresive. I "adopt" a lot of fish this way, some bumblebee cichlids I adopted a few months ago have spawned for me now, as have a pair of angels. I would love to find a male yellow lab to be able to breed with this female, but she's the biggest lab I've ever seen, may be a trick finding one to match up. Looking at your sig, sounds like you've got a pretty interesting fishroom yourself........and you've got birds! Always thought it would be cool to build a small aviary in the fishroom.....right now I have a leopard gecko and my youngest son's hamster, kinda gives it a "pet shop" feel. Anyway, I ramble on..... Do you breed any of the fish you have, what kinds, do you have luck selling them?