New Tank!


Fish Crazy
Sep 20, 2009
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Sadly my last tetra died after 4 years in that tank, but the good news is i get to put new fish in it! its a 7g tank i want to put sand in it no bettas tropican fish, yes ii know a betta is tropical... what is the best u.s kind of sand?
idk what fish to get but it is a possitive i will get corys and what kind of plants?
If you want cories you need atleast 6 if not more... and in a 7 gal. that ia an impossibility. I think the only thing you can keep in there is a betta.
no theres tetras and other fish i cant think of
no theres tetras and other fish i cant think of

Your right, there are fish but you would have to look into nano fish. You could keep 5 Ember Tetras or 5 Chilly Rasbora and 3 Sparkling Gouramis (1M=2F) and a Khuli Loach and even that might be too much. But Coties are a definate no-no. The smallest cory, the pygmy cory should be in tanks of 45 litre or over. Normal size cories should be in tank of 75 litre or over.
Carl :)
WOW Khuli loaches are awesome!!! do they eat plants? :crazy: ???? because i have somelive plants i think k grass and ribbon plant i cant remember what they are called what other fish can i get???? :X
oh ok Grats on ur 500th post now i have cloudy water after adding chlorine soulution and so i did a 95 o/o water change the water smelled bad too, maybe its because icleaned calcium with vinegar but then i washed it thuroghly.... i hope it clears up as i am going to get fish on sat... :unsure:
oh ok Grats on ur 500th post now i have cloudy water after adding chlorine soulution and so i did a 95 o/o water change the water smelled bad too, maybe its because icleaned calcium with vinegar but then i washed it thuroghly.... i hope it clears up as i am going to get fish on sat... :unsure:
i assume you removed the filter while you cleaned with vinegar? have you tested the water?

(i think you need a bigger tank ;) :lol: )
well, the filter nt the cartrge had calcium so its cleared up water stats are good i put a new filter cartgrage in and its doing good and im going to petsmart today to get a couple mystery snails!!! :hyper:
change of plans, i fell in love with 2 otos yesterday so i got em :D

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