New Tank!

Dont start liz! or ill bring the Northampton comments out again :p just comment on how sexy my tank is

:lol: really it is a very nice tank and you are lucky to have such a generous nan. mind you it looks a bit windy the way the net curtain is blowing :good:
nah the window is closed.. the sun is shining! beautiful day here, the net is just draped over so the tank gets direct sunlight :D


oh and by the way the tank is at 27oC now :eek:

I live in london, there is no sun at the mo, but its still very humid, you will want to keep the tank OUT of direct sunlight!
Aquaking I'm sorry but you havent been into this stuff as long as most of the people on this forum have so I think you need to reasses where you stand, I dont think you have the right to tell other people what they should do. Nice tank btw Bret.
Why out of sunlight? it is providing the only light i can give on this tank at the moment? and its heating it up nicely... hopefully the water will be nicely the same temp in the morning around 5:00AM

I didnt mean to say that to make you mad I just was thinking you shouldnt be criticizing someone else thats been with bettas for longer than you thats all. If they ask a question thats good, answer, show your knowledge but if they are just showing off a nice tank, say nice tank and move on.
Loko17 just coz you got a few bettas, that dont make you an expert, i bet im younger than you and know more about fish!


put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I'm not saying I'm an expert. Nor am I discrediting your knowledge of fish. I'm just saying with the number of posts you have and how long you've been a member of this forum some people arent going to even be bothered by your opinion. And by the way, how old are you aquaking? enlighten me on your youth.
Lovely tank Brett :good:

Though I have to add a little word of "warning". That tank absolutely cannot be in that position right by the window. Now and in the coming weeks it will just about boil the water. Until recently I had my 19 gallon tank close (not even right in front) of the window, and the temperatures have been a very regular and steady 32 degrees C (90 F!) !!

I would also suggest putting an insulating layer of polystyrene underneath. Windowsills do get cold - and in the winter it will. In the winter you will also have your heating on.

I'm sure there is a much better place for that lovely tank :)
A true lady never reveals his age, :lol: ive been with fish for all my life. I was introduced to them very early. I kept and bread guppies when i was 2-4 and have gone on to breed other harder species. My dad owns his own pet store (where the fish are treated well).

Any sane person could see i was jokin and so was he! you nut job!

And the advice i gave him was fine. So why you buttin in and critisizin!

Are you gonna have a go at bloo! probs not you think you bother me! your probs a lonly woman/man sittin at its computer critisizin!

Windin me up!

see ya :p


Bret it would be eayser for you to just move the tank!
If its in the window it can stay there if its on a side of the house that gets like no sunlight. I have my 10 gallon in front of a window that gets no direct sunlight and its fine. :good:

Aquaking you werent joking, you know you werent. As for breeding guppies and what not, good for you. I'm just criticizing your betta experience just because you havent been a memeber of this forum for long and I can still remember when we gave you some constructive criticizm and you vowed to never return to this forum again. Again I'm gonna ask your age just because you think you're younger than me, I highly doubt it. I'm not gonna tee off at bloo because bloo has experience. I know what you said was right(somewhat) but knowing bret he won't want to listen to you (no offence bret). But whatever Aquaking. You're not the bigger man in this situation just to let you know.

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