New Tank!


Bettas Eh?
Oct 10, 2005
Reaction score
Lowestoft, UK
Ok, so i got a bit of summer holiday money off my nanny and i went tank hunting. I came home with this 3.9 gallon tank. It measures 18x8x8 inches and it looks great! i added some silver sand and added a small filter that had been running in the smaragdina tank... the tank currently has NO heater in but is at 24oC at the moment. Ill monitor it throughout the day to check what temperature it is to see whether i need a heater :) It will house the female in my avatar :)


12:00 - 24oC


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Nice ^_^ I love dimentions like that but they're hard to find. I eventually want to get a tank thats 36 x 10 x 10 (15.5 gallons) and Divide it into six 6x10x10 which is approximately 2 gallons each if I only fill it 8 inches high. That would give me six males to breed with. :drool:

Then I want a 12x12x9 for breeding, that would be aproximately 5.5 gallons, and 2 twenty gallon longs for grow out tanks and a 55 gallon for my girls to live in, my platy's, and my pleco. I'd probably want to try and put a shoal of hatchetfish in there too, but I don't know if they would get along with the girls. :p

Then Of course I would need a wall with shelves for the 100 Betta Tubs that I want to buy from Majestic Betta's...

All this of course, after I win the lottery... Or at least pay off my car and move out of my parents house. :p
Lol, i wouldnt mind getting some of those cups from MBB but im in the Uk and shipping prices would be extortionate!. my parents have let me get a barracks so a good 200 of those cups would be good :p

Cheers 3nafs :) they are real good my lfs, they will order in any size aquarium, being that the supplier has them in :) they even said they can get 3 inch deep tanks :eek: lol they are a great LFS and they have great stuff!

omg! yes i found a forum for beardies that talks about why beardies poop on their owners. lol. happens to me a lot.


yes! this is my 30th post! and you seem like a cool person =D
Ok genius :p you guessed where it is... Explain no-no (ive got an idea what your gna say :p )

With no tank heater and the tank neer a window the draughts that come through the window could change the tempature, quickly! and also is that a radiator its on top of! :D


Do you have to be so sarcastic?

PS- the sand looks a little deep! could create dead spots

PPS- nice nets
Im not being sarcastic, well maybe i am, but not in a nasty way! i dont have that window open at all in the summer and im in the process of making foil boards to keep the heat in the tank so meh! anyway, the radiator is never on either so im pretty safe there.... anything else?


ETA - im getting a heater for it soon anyway :)
There is just 1 other thing, it kills me to say it but ....... that fish tank looks .....realy Good :-(

It looks even better now, it has another big handful of java moss in it and soon will have a female betta roaming in it :p and ill get some java moss to go in it too... ill keep updating it :D


P.s im gna level out the sand as its like a massive hole in the middle so ill level it all out soon :)

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