New Tank with Danios


New Member
Nov 25, 2003
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Madison, Wisconsin, USA
I bought a new ten gallon tank and filled it and let it cycle and then I added 3 danios. One died the next day, so today I went and bought four more. I know have 6 danios in there.

Here is my question... Eventually, I want to add some different fish in there. I certainly didn't buy it for danios. But with 6 danios in there, assuming that they all live, how many more can I add? should I just get rid of the danios when I am ready for the other fish or is having all those danios in there going to limit the other fish that I actually want to put in there? :sly:
I have a 10 gallon with 6 Zebra Danios also. I was planning on just using them as starter fish when I got them, but found that I really enjoy them and so I never took them back. They're pretty darned entertaining if you give them a chance. Anyways, the other fish in my tank that I have with them is a Dwarf Gourami, 2 Panda Cories, and and African Dwarf frog. They all get along wonderfully and I think space is filled pretty nicely - Danios at the top, Gourami mostly middle and everyone else too, and the Panda and frog on the bottom. I'd say decide if you want to keep the danios first before looking into other fish. If you keep them, you do have a selection, but not as large because you can't fit another school of fish in there when you already have one. Good luck!!

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