if they had no gold gouramis, they may have had blue/3spot/opaline gouramis, which are a blue equivilant to the gold gouramis. i have 2 stores near me, one carries opaline, the other carries both varieties.
Okay, so I guess the bottom feeder will be revised to either chain loaches or some type of cory.
I'll look at the gouramis next time I go to the lfs. I think they have the blue/3spot/opaline gouramis. How do you sex these gouramis by the way? The only gouramis I've had are dwarf and sparkling (easy to sex or doesn't matter much) Does the sex combination matter? It seems like I've heard trios are best, but that seems like too much for my tank....maybe just one would be the solution?
Just to keep things straight in my head:
3 mollies
4 guppies
2-3 gouramis or keyholes
5-6 chain loach or cory
possibly a school of danios/rummynose/cherry barbs