New Tank Set Up(Already Done)


Dec 29, 2015
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When i add my previous cory(1) do i need to watch for when i add more to them(5 more). or should the other corys just make the group and they be ok?
New tank
40 gal quiet flow filter
 t4 fluorescent light
6o watt heater(pre tuned to 76-78 d/F)
 current occupants
1 albino cory
2 mystery snails
20watt air pump
3 planted aquatic plants (echinodorus)
3Inch white sand base
1 medium log(3ft by 2 ft)
hard plastic scuba head(for added hiding areas)
food added
sinking fish pellets(catfish Recc)
plant food (MLs for 20 Gals)
Stresscoat(5 Mls for 20 gals)
Algae wafers for mystery snails
I think this is the third post I have sen from you on this subject. Have you got your water chemistry under control yet?
I've read a lot of Baylorperez's threads and IMO what happened to his previous tank (which I hope he hasn't given up on yet)
Was a combination of beginners mistakes (c'mon guys we've all been there) bad pet store advice, and "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong"
I think you posted in another thread that you were getting this new filter with the tank. So, is the new tank cycled?? Did you use old media in the new filter?? Otherwise, you are giving yourself the same fish-in cycle headaches that you have been dealing with...and will deal with for 4-6 more weeks.
To your question: Cories tend to be pretty easygoing fish and I think it will be fine to mix them all right off the bat...assuming cycling is complete.
this new tank since i used the old filter media for the past 2 weeks i hope that it has set up a colony as to which they wont die off or spike. as i have added the snails and 1 cory to the new tank. im of course waiting abit before adding more fish and getting the water test done hopefully by friday to see if any spikes have been active, or atleast to see what my levels are in the new tank.
As for this new tank i will try to take better care of it as well as add as many fish as needed(no more tan my tank can handle) like my other tank as i had no idea what i was doing with it.
As well for this new tank, i will replace any dying fish within a 2 week period(when one dies wait 2 weeks before adding more) to see if my levels were what killed it or stress is what killed it.
so far my snails are near my water line and my cory is peacefully under the log
Do you have a good (preferably drops) test kit?
Imo your fishkeeping tools, in order of importance, should be:
1: dechlorinator
2:(tie) good food, some way to change the water
3: A good test kit for ph, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites
4: a net
5: other
1. You dont need test strips, they dont work, get drops.
2. You dont simply "let things die off"
3. Frankly I dont think you should be setting up another tank. If you cant be responsible with carrying out a pet to its indefinite end, then you shouldnt have it. Do research before you ask questions. And if it takes 4 times to tell you that you need to have 6+ cories, then maybe you should find a different hobby. I know Ive been pretty rude in my last few comments on your latest 1000000 threads, and I know that being a beginner in the hobby is tough learning new information, but if you could just TRY to comprehend new information that has been repeatedly given to you, thatd be great 
Figure each apple snail / mystery snail you added as about like 2 fish. That population needs to get settled in and the filter adjusted to it before you add any fish at all.

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