New Tank, New Betta!


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Well, I got my tank, its a 16.5 gallon (128 bucks, completed tank, minus divider. I didn't have to get anything but the new fish and divider. I jumped for joy in the store :D )

Anyway, I got a little pale buddy, with a dashing purple splotch on his rump, and another spot in the middle of his fin. Absolutely gorgeous coloring.

Well, I got him home, checked for stuff under the flashlight..

Hes a crowntail. I didn't notice in the store, but he has the Vs between each fin thingie! :D I'm so happy! I can't wait until his tail heals up so I can see him in all his pretty glory.

(He was excitable in the store, fussing and flaring and putting on a beautiful show. He is magnificant :D I'm so getting a picture of my pair this week.

They are going to be so spoiled on 8 gallons each....

That's wonderful! Good luck with the new betta, and I hope to see some pics soon ;)
i wanna see the pic of your male betta, he sounds awesome :) good luck with your new fish tank did you get anything alse besides bettas? ^_^
Right now, only bettas. I'm going to get some current loving beasties to take the middle partician where the power filter is. You guys have any suggestions?

And my hubby has taken to Bettas, apparently. He loves cheering Moe on while he fusses at Pearl.

Apparently Pearl and Moe are flared, staring at each other. Not moving, just staring. Then JR went to watch them and they decided to put on a show. He likes watching them fuss at each other :)

Pearl likes to play in the current when I turn the filter on.. I keep rotating when I have it on so he can rest while I'm not filtering. It seems to work pretty well. (I either switch where they are in the tank or remove the divider with one in the tank, on in holding to clean the tank)

Moe is chasing Pearl around the divider. Its pretty funny. Pearl's just a baby though. *laugh*

My cute little babies :)

And yeah, 130 for a 16.5.. but it came with: Gravel, flourescent light, bulb, filter w/ all to run it, heater, plants, conditioner, fish food, waste remover, cycle, net, video, two books.

Pretty good value overall. I just wanted the setup since it saved me having to piece it together :)

Aquarius rocks for fish supplies :)

I did find a dead betta in the store though, but the fishie people took care of it right away. Poor darlings were all being treated, they had an outbreak. Pearl was one of the real healthy ones in the batch (unhealthy were seperated by the counter where they could be tended to easily)

Overall, another satisfying shopping session for fish :)


is that american money??


here in canada you can get a 20 gallon with everything for like $90
I'm in Canada.

I don't know where you shop, but the cheapest I saw a ten gallon with everything but bulb and heater was 68, and they were trying to remove stock.

And I wanted a florescent light, so of course I paid more.

And, I went to a reputable company, which probably has something to do with why I paid more. I probably could have found cheaper, but why would I want to, when I have a shop that takes good care of their fishies, and is extremely helpful?

I did a lot of looking, 128 for a 16.5 was the best deal I could find. ;/

hmm i dont know how much a difference american money and canadian money is..but I got my 10 gallon-with filter, heater,food,water conditioner, gravel..for only $29 bucks..
Yeah, I hear a lot of people who get that.. but I bought from a specialty store and got brand name crap. x_X Oh well, its a beautiful tank, good equipment, and my fish love it. I didn't have time to search a zilliion stores. My fish needed a heater, which means they needed a tank, and they needed it -now-. :)

lol walmart sells a 55 gal kit for 150 bucks. Mind you the filter and heater aren't the best but they'll do. The hood isn't too shabby though (at least for wal mart). One lfs around here sells a 55 gal tank with a glass hood (no lights) and stand for 180 and I consider that a pretty high price actually. Heh don't mean to rain on your parade though. I'm sure your fish will love it and I hope they live long healthy lives.

Also I realize things usually cost more in canadian money
I think it's wonderful that you were willing to pay more in order to shop at a good store that takes care of their fish! :clap: :clap: :clap: I'm always looking for a good deal, but when it comes down to it, we have to be willing to support the good LFSs or we won't have them anymore.

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