New Tank, Daily Test In Cycle.

RE: Snails

They wont harm anything but they will miltiply very quickly. Several years ago i left a snail in my tank and a few weeks later they were everywhere. It was a nightmare trying to get rid of them all :crazy:
Test results update.

Day 1.

PH 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Day 2.

PH 7.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Just a drop in PH levels. Is this to be expected?
Hello Jotto,
If you have not already done so then it might be a good idea to test with your HIGH RANGE pH and see what result that gives you.

Hello Jotto,
If you have not already done so then it might be a good idea to test with your HIGH RANGE pH and see what result that gives you.


OK, will do. What would you expect level to be?

Just done it...shows very slightly paler than the lowest reading of 7.4 so I assume initial result is correct.
I would say your pH is 7.4 and i have based that on you having previous readings of 7.2-7.6 which are very close in colour on the check card.
I also get a pH of 7.6 and 7.4 High range pH. I was informed that based on these results my pH is 7.4
It would be a good idea to see what your pH is straight from your tap.

Hopefully one of the more experienced members will verify this, for us both.
Will check tap water and post results.
So, what difference would it make in the grand scheme of things to have such a small difference? Sorry if this is a really dumb question.

OK, Tap water is 7.6 on the low scale and between 7.8 and 7.9 on the high scale so that means the tap water is actually between 7.8-7.9. I take it this is correct as the highest the low scale can read is 7.6 so even if it was say 8.5, it would show as 7.6? Does that sound right? I have no idea if the solution can go darker than 7.6 or if thats it.
Hello Jotto,
Thats how i look at it too. Like i said in my last post, hopefully someone with more experience can verify this for us both.

It should be because the results are not particularly accurate, yes (in which case it is quite safe to assume that it is 7.4) but also the plants and bogwood will probably cause the pH to drop to 7 or even lower over time. This isn't anything to worry about it and most tetras actually do better in lower pH ranges. How are the readings today?
It should be because the results are not particularly accurate, yes (in which case it is quite safe to assume that it is 7.4) but also the plants and bogwood will probably cause the pH to drop to 7 or even lower over time. This isn't anything to worry about it and most tetras actually so better in lower pH ranges. How are the readings today?

Will check as soon as I get home from work and post an update. I had a look at a piece of decorative wood at a local shop today and was tempted to get some more. Would this lower th PH even more? I will need to check what other fish like this kind of PH level.
You need to use bogwood if you want it to lower your PH levels. I believe it is the tannins that the bogwood release that help. There may also be a discolouration of your water for a while (brown).
Test results update.

Day 1.

PH 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Day 2.

PH 7.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average.

Day 3.

PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

So how are we looking? I assumed the levels should fluctuate? Could it be that as the bogwood is well seasoned from the previous use and the equipment, whilst cleaned in fresh water, still has 'good' bacteria on it that is helping the readings?

Thinking ahead, how would it be with a dwarf gourami and perhaps 6 rasboras? would they all get on ok?
Because of the plants, the first reading you might actually see could be nitrites and the second nitrates. Once you start seeing nitrites (which should be about 1-3 weeks after adding fish), you need to make sure that the nitrite reading remains below 0.25 by doing water changes. If it extremely unlikely that anything cleaned with chlorinated water could have bacteria on it.

Yes, tannin is acidic so will lower pH. I suggest you wait another 4-5 weeks before adding any bogwood because bacteria which you are trying to grow with the cycle grow best at higher pHs.

A Dwarf Gourami and 6 Rasboras should be fine, but in my opinion, a pair of Dwarf Gouramis (male and female) would be even better. I also suggest you look at fish such as Cockatoo cichlids and Bolivian Rams..
Test results update.

Day 1.

PH 7.6
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Day 2.

PH 7.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Although PH is thought to be 7.4 as per high scale average.

Day 3.

PH 7.6 low scale, 7.4 High scale
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Day 4.

7.4 High scale
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 5

Would it be worth adding a couple more fish to try and kick the cycle a bit? Really not sure if we should be seeing some other results.
No, definitely do not add more fish! Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. It usually takes a few days for the *first* bacteria to appear, anyway. As I said, because of the plants you might not see any changes in readings for 2-3 weeks quite easily.

How much are you feeding?
No, definitely do not add more fish! Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. It usually takes a few days for the *first* bacteria to appear, anyway. As I said, because of the plants you might not see any changes in readings for 2-3 weeks quite easily.

How much are you feeding?

Kat, thanks for your replies. :good:

Feeding Tetra pro flake and about 5 flakes a day. The LFS said we should keep the fish a lil hungry to begin with. I realise that excess food can degrade and cause problems but I wonder if we are feeding enough? Its all gone very quickly, having said that I see people say feed what they can eat in 30 seconds and that sounds about where we are now.

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