New Tank Cycling Question

Liking the aquascape :good: he does look a cute crab, is he green? Might be an emerald crab? Although his pincers look large :crazy:

Seffie x



don't be surprised if you see an aiptaisia that escaped tomorrow :blink: they move very quick :hyper:
Hi Riggs,

I started in the world of marine fish keeping last September with an Orca 450 so here's some info on the tank;

Being a small water volume, the temperature can get high if the lights are on 'too long'. I had to limit mine to 8 hrs a day (10am - 6pm). Also, you'd be surprised how long it takes for the water temp to drop once the lights are turned off so the heat built up during the day by the lights is not totally lost during the night and so you get a slight increment in temperature everyday.

Wedging the lid open 10-20mm on both front corners allows a better air flow over the water and is a way of reducing your water temp if it gets too high.

My heater is set to 20 but the tank sits at 26-27 always.

Also, if the small mesh filters on the two pumps (suck into RHS rear chamber and return from LHS one - looking from the front) get clogged up then the pumps are having to work harder / are being restricted and they heat the water. The 'suck' pump is connected to the UV and skimmer so I use a long, thin artists brush to brush away the debris on the inlet filter. The return pump comes out easily since the vertical pipe to the spray bar is flexible and is easily disconnected from the elbow joint at the top - remove the inlet filter and clean.

The rear chambers can get full of all sorts of crud so I advise when you do your water changes to syphon the water out of the rear chambers to suck away all the crud. You can get a simple 'little princess / mermaid' plastic syphon from Pets at Home for £3 or you can buy the identical Bi-Orb one for £10 like me and get bugged by the fact every time you use it :crazy: . I also use a 12 inch turkey baster to agitate all the crud in the rear chambers so it's all floating around when you syphon it out. I used to have Nitrate readings of 20ppm until I started cleaning the rear chambers and now there always around 5ppm.

I closed off all but the top inlet into the RHS chamber and have a piece of filter wool behind the net. I clean the net and wool twice a week.

The spray bar will be stiff but will turn.

Finally, you need to mark your water level so you know how much has evaporated over time and hence how much to top off with RO water. The best looking way is to set your level just into the brown plastic tank rim so all you can see is water. As water evaporates the tank level drops into view and so you know when and how much to top off.

Have fun :good:
some good tips there :good:

Seffie x



however, be careful about wedging open the top if you have any jumpers in the tank :crazy:
Some great advice all round there (I started off with the same tank :) ). An extra powerhead in the tank and maybe one attached to the spraybar to increase surface movement may help with the temp as well.

I would cut the light down to 6-8 hours (as you have no corals in there yet). Also if the temp gets really high freeze a bottle of water and then float it in the tank (you may need to switch the heater back on to make sure it doesnt drop too low).

I have always kept my marine tanks on the warmer side (26-27°C) anyway and havent had any problems with fish or corals.

I did keep a pair of clowns (small ones) and a firefish in my orca and while I didnt have any issues with water quality after moving them to a bigger tank I dont think I would want to put them in a smaller one again (they went from fish that just sit in one spot in the orca to ones that where swimming all over the tank in the larger tank).

Dont forget to keep the photos coming :)
Thanks v. much for info Westie & Barney
I'll give the spray bar turn another go on the weekend and i've made a note of water level so i can see how much evaporation has occured over a set period.
Also Westie when I've got a bit more time I'll digest your tips on the rear housing.

In terms of levels I'm at... (not too sure I trust these results so a new batch tomorrow)
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0.75 (Looks like it's gone up a bit)
NitrIte: 0.05
NitrAte: going to have to take a new reading...

dont worry - I'll keep posting pic's ;-)

Looking forward to the CUCrew when you guys give me the go-ahead on the levels - i need someone to blame when it all goes pear-shaped! :hyper:
Ah... the insanity/madness variable :crazy: lol - I didn't factor that in!

Latest levels: (Day 10)
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0.15 (best guess - not yellow but not green)
NitrItes: 0.05
NitrAtes: I've done this test 3 times now - every time it doesn't match up - it's like a bluey/purple - quite light in colour!??!

Really looking forward to getting a cleanup crew as this algae (brown) is everywhere - what's the best CUC for it - i miss the spotless look! :crazy:
A bit of googling and I've identified 'hair algae' as well on the glass...
Which test you using Riggs? I would have expected some higher readings by now - where did you say the lr came from?

Hair algea - yuck, get that magnet on there now my man :good:

Seffie x

Hi Seffie ;-)

RedSea Marine Test Kit

Todays readings:

pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0.25
NitrAte: 0
NitrIte: 0.05

Ammonia did get to 2.5, possibly 5 at one stage early on - maybe that was my spike?

LR i bought from the shop - all i know is its Indonesian! :blush:

Should I be concerned about the cycle?

Also, do I need a magnet or will the snails take care of it for me?

Hi Seffie ;-)

RedSea Marine Test Kit


Todays readings:

pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0.25
NitrAte: 0
NitrIte: 0.05

mmmm, interesting

Ammonia did get to 2.5, possibly 5 at one stage early on - maybe that was my spike?

But you have had NO nitrate yet?

LR i bought from the shop - all i know is its Indonesian! :blush:

Just wondering if it was really well cured, how long was it out of water?

Should I be concerned about the cycle?

No, patience is a virtue - it will be ok, lets leave it a couple more days to see if you get a nitrate spike

Also, do I need a magnet or will the snails take care of it for me?
Oh indeed you do - don't buy a cheap one though - you only get what you pay for with Mags


Seffie x

Hey Seffie! :)

LR - It was probably out of the water for 1 hour tops... the shop is litterally 15mins away.

Its now 12/13 days and the levels are as follows:
pH: 8.2
NitrAte: 0
NitrIte: 0.05
Ammonia: 0.25 to 0

In terms of NitrAte spikes I was on: 25 on day 7... Unfortunately i didn't record from Day 1 onwards - i took readings but i can't recall :angry:

Anyhow - will be going for the magnet tomorrow as the tank is starting to look really cruddy - what do you think the bigger the better to save time?

Westie - I dropped the lights by an hour and turkey baster in hand!

Thanks alot all! Riggs. :good:
Hey Seffie! :)

LR - It was probably out of the water for 1 hour tops... the shop is litterally 15mins away.


Its now 12/13 days and the levels are as follows:
pH: 8.2
NitrAte: 0
NitrIte: 0.05
Ammonia: 0.25 to 0

In terms of NitrAte spikes I was on: 25 on day 7... Unfortunately i didn't record from Day 1 onwards - i took readings but i can't recall :angry:

Right, I am thinking you have had your cycle - do a 50% water change at the weekend and lets see what the numbers are after 12 hours :good:

Anyhow - will be going for the magnet tomorrow as the tank is starting to look really cruddy - what do you think the bigger the better to save time?

Indeed, but not too big that you can't do all the surfaces

Westie - I dropped the lights by an hour and turkey baster in hand!

Good old turkey baster

I think you will probably need a clip on fan for the tank as the weather warms up

Thanks alot all! Riggs. :good:

Seffie x

Just to re-iterate, dont get a cheap magfloat. I ruined my old tank with a cheap one that scratched it to peices.
Hi All,

Thought I'd keep you posted on how its been going.

Well, I waited long enough with the levels and ignored the algae :crazy: and went for it last weekend with the CUC.
2 turbo snails & 3 red hermit crabs.
Got to say the turbo snails are worth their weight in gold! Before and After pic's below....
I bought a decent magnet in any case before the snails as i didn't think they could clear it all up but they have.
In terms of the spray bar i managed to turn it but should it be breaking the water? At the moment it's kind of set to a very light ripple if you get my meaning :unsure:
When I did my water change I also removed a fair amount of the sand and one dead crab only to find another one!! Haven't seen him in a couple of days so hope nothing bad has happened.


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  • AfterSnails.jpg
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