I just set my 24g nano tank up on monday 10/03/08, added the live rock & (mature water from my L S )etc..
my tank readings are:
temp : 25.c
sg : 1.023
nitrate : 80 ppm
My living rock has how started to get a few white patches on it , my Q is should i do a water change or water till tank has gone full cycle.
SORRY!! no ammonia or nitrite tests as my api reef test kit isn’t got them in
my tank readings are:
temp : 25.c
sg : 1.023
nitrate : 80 ppm
My living rock has how started to get a few white patches on it , my Q is should i do a water change or water till tank has gone full cycle.
SORRY!! no ammonia or nitrite tests as my api reef test kit isn’t got them in