New Tank Aqua One Evo 100


Fish Herder
Mar 8, 2009
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well got a aqua one evo 100 yesterday second hand and wondering what i should use it for

also got a trio of albino bristlenoses

any ideas for stocking !!
maybe 1 discus 2 pushing it
never heard of this tank mate , whats the dimensions? also a single discus wont fare well . 2 would but it would have to be a proven established pair.
length 100cm x width 40cm x height 55cm

about 50g then . nice size , quite a few options really . arguably just big enough for a group of 5 or 6 discus , but deffinately in the bare minimum end of the range. why not try your hand at a planted tank?
about 50g then . nice size , quite a few options really . arguably just big enough for a group of 5 or 6 discus , but deffinately in the bare minimum end of the range. why not try your hand at a planted tank?

ha ha ha me plated tank i carnt even keep me garden tidy never mind a planted tank lol
yeah thats why i went with rocks :lol: maybe a breeding pair of something? or a biotope setup of some kind ?
planted discus tank? some plants are dead easy to keep and dont need any maintenance
planted discus tank? some plants are dead easy to keep and dont need any maintenance

how way then we will go with the planted discus tank what am i going to need

1. discus ( what kind )
2. plants (easy maintenance )?
3. 3mm gravel ok ?
4. bogwood ?
5. don't really want use co2
not even gonna try and advise you about plants :lol: gravel is fine yep , as for what strains its all down to personal preference and of course what you can find . bogwood is good too :good:

heres a guide for easiest to keep plants, i dont use co2 or special lighting and my plants grow ok. i do use 2.5ml of flourish excel every day just to speed up growth.

i think sand is a better substrate for plants

check this too, not sure if these are easy to keep though
thanks for the help creg & Malawi mark

so here is my list

plants wise
1. congensis
2.golden nana
3. java moss
5.[font="Verdana]Fine leaf corymbosa[/font]

[font="Verdana]i like the look of these and are appealing to the other half aswell (bonus) as she has a dislike to this tank straight away as its in the front room along with the other tank [/font]

what do you lot think of my list then ??

also im going to keep the gravel in as i hate sand gets every where
:lol: malawi mark :lol: :lol: thing to consider with plants in a discus setup is wether or not they can handle the higher temps mate . the only 1 i had any joy with in my discus taank was hygrophilia polysperma. never even heard of half your list mate :lol: well apart from java moss . and i killed that stone dead within 2 weeks :lol:
ha ha i think you should change ya name mate definitely to Malawi mark

and back on subject i got most of them names off the list what creg gave me i havnt a clue what they are just thought they looked nice lol
amazon swords work in discus temps as do the H. polysperma i mentioned . but i wouldnt listen to me im a known plant murderer :lol: id go ask in the planted section. malawi mark does have a nice ring to it i have to admit , but it implies i know a lot about malawis , when ive still got me african cichlid L plates on :lol:

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