New Tank After 3 Months Without, 90L. Looking For Stocking Ideas!

I'm not sure, sorry :/ Perhaps Blondie will know?
TBH I'm not sure about the willow, but from a quick google search it seems that it is very sappy, so, for that reason, I would not try it. *EDIT: I have just found that willow can be used, but rots very fast and can take the oxygen from the water*
If you go down to the beach or to a river, there should be some nice pieces of wood washed ashore, take them home, pour boiling water over them and soak them in water for several weeks (if they're from the beach, change the water daily).
Kuhli loaches need lots of hiding spaces in order to be more confident
Coconut caves, driftwood and some rocks are all appreciated hiding spots.
You can use playsand.
A local landscaping place sells sea sand, which I have been told is safe, just make sure you wash it really well before adding to your tank, as it can be very dusty.
Sand isn't very hard to clean, I just use the tube from my gravel siphon and hover it an inch or so over the sand, most debris gets sucked up. IMO its easier to clean than gravel, as all the waste sits ontop.
An odd question but my friend in Texas who keeps fish told me to try that aqua advisor site, to help get a rough idea of stocking, but when I add the measurements of the tank, from the website I bought it off, it says its an 125L not a 90L??? Why would that be?
Also Blondie, just saw your post must of gone at the same time haha. Alright I'll stay away from the willow, just thought I'd ask as there are lots of great places to get it around here. I think I'll buy some bogwood from the LFS in the meantime and then keep an eye out for anything nicer when I take the dogs out down the river. I think I'll add Kuhlis to the possible list then. :) Ok then I'll definitely take a closer look at the sand then.
I'm not sure why that is, the same thing happened to my tank, the online calculator said it was 32L but when I filled it, it was only about 22L, which is what AquaOne said it was. I think they add more height onto it with the hood and stuff, but not sure, sorry.
AQ advisor, unfortunately, is an unreliable site, and many people have had problem tanks after using it. Best to stay away from it IMO.
Okie dokie, I'll disregard the site then. 
So I'm looking at this stocking wise now then?:
Possible Centerpiece fish: Dwarf or Honey Gourami or a male betta (while I'm interested in something new I do still like these guys)
Possible School: 7-9x Neon, Black Neon, Cardinal, Rummynose or Glowlight Tetras
Possible Bottom Dwellers: 7-9x Pygmy Corys (if I can get them) or Peppered or Panda Corys (I'm guessing the same amount?), Bristlnose Plec, Kuli Loaches. 
Someone suggested Blue Rams as a centerpiece as well? Now those I really know nothing about. There's also the Rainbow Badis on the list which I looked up and quite like the look of. Anyone on here know about them?
If you were to get any other cory aside from pygmy, you would only be able to have 7, they're quite a bit bigger.
The school numbers for the tetras remain the same however.
You could have both a BN pleco as well as one of the species of corys.
All of the above also goes for the kuhli loaches.
Blue rams could work, but you need soft water for them to do well.
No idea about the rainbow badis sorry.
Ok so revised list of possibility looks like this after doing some more looking around. I've decided to think about the Blue Rams though I'm leaning towards not because of the water requirements. The Rainbow Badis (also called Scarlet Badis) seem to be suitable to keep in a pair in this tank as well, as they are fairly small. If I read it right I can have either the school of corys OR the school of Kuhli with the BN Plec? Are any of the other Rasboras or any of the barbs sutiable as an alternate school btw? My friend said the Cherry Barb or the Harlequin Rasbora might be alright.
1x Honey Gourami OR Dwarf Gourami OR Male Betta OR a pair of Blue Rams (they have to be in a pair yes?) OR a pair of Rainbow/Scarlet Badis (Dario dario) 
7-9x Neon OR Black Neon OR Glowlight OR Cardinal OR Rummynose Tetras
7-9x Pygmy Cory OR 7x Panda Cory OR Peppered Cory OR 7x Kuhli Loach
1x Bristlnose Plec
Yes, that is correct :)
Sorry, I've never heard the dario dario be called rainbow badis, which was what confused me, sorry. They are very small, and very rarely take prepared food, I believe their favourite food are cyclops, which can be hard to culture. 
IMO I think that they would be out competed for food in your tank, plus they aren't much of a centrepiece fish, as they're so tiny.
Harlequin rasboras are another option, they would work well.
Cherry barbs I think would be too big, as they're quite solid fish.
What other rasboras are on the list?
Ah scratch the badis then, I had trouble finding info for them under that name, that explains why, its the lesser used variation. After looking at more info under the scarlet badis and the dario dario name I'd say I agree with you. Very pretty fish but no, not the right fit.
I'll add the Harlequins to the list then.
Going to have a hard time picking my school I think!
There are three other rasboras on the list; Emerald Eye, Scissortail and Red Lined.

TANK JUST ARRIVED. Mad dash to get the thing out of its box so I could make sure there were no cracks before signing under the annoyed gaze of the courier. Will put up a photo once its assembled in my room.
All of those rasboras, except for the scissortail, would be suitable. Sorry to give you more choices :p
Sorry about the badis. If you really want a pair/trio, you could get a 20L tank :p Still can be hard to feed though.
Ahh added to the list then! 
 Same school size as the tertas for them?
Oh no, I've been down that multiple tank road before, it just encourages more and more! 

Waiting for mum to bring back my car so I can rush into town and grab the first bits and bobs for the tank before the LFS closes for Christmas!
The blue eye rasboras you could have 1 or 2 more.
P.S. if you want faster answers, come onto chat :)
Well that was a frustrating (and expensive!) trip to the LFS. No sand for my tank. They only had a couple of pathetically tiny bags, saying nobody here buys it, so they don't really stock it. Said they could order some but it probably wouldn't be there till mid Jan! Not waiting that long to get started so bought a 20KG bag of small smooth dark stones and some larger ones, going to go for a stone riverbed look hopefully. I've had similar substrate before and plants did fine in it so I'm not too worried about it. Just frustrating as I really wanted to try sand this time. 
On a positive note got my heater, liquid test kit (all in one), thermometer, fertilizer and stress coat & stress zyme, as well as a nice big bit of wood. Still a few things I need to get obviously but will pick those up when I get the plants after Boxing Day, as this is when the LFS opens again. Going to go scavenging down the river for more wood (either in addition or to replace the piece I bought) and large river stones maybe on Boxing Day. 
Going to set up tank tonight (still working on the cabinet! 
) and probably get the stones how I want it, plonk the wood in, then fill it tomorrow afternoon once the christmas lark is done, this means I can run all the equipment thru boxing day to make sure its working before picking up plants when the LFS is open.
That is frustrating! Is that the only LFS nearby? You can always switch the substrate later on if you want :)
Doh! I did a stupid! Could of gone to the local hardware and bought playsand! Stupid! Wasn't thinking in my rush to get stuff before everything shut up. Yeah its the only LFS, only pet store in town. I haven't put it in yet so I could still go buy the playsand but it would be after xmas. Waste of a decent amount of money though! Also is there anyway to delete threads or at least change the title? Not really looking for stocking advice now and its going to become more of a journal.

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