New Species of Killifish- Endangered


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Dec 31, 2022
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Baltimore, MD
"The first known endemic killifish to persist in a forest" ?? Perhaps they mean the first known Nothobranchius to persist in a forest. The majority of Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax are forest dwellers, among others. Or am I misunderstanding the point they are attempting to make?
I think we have a science journalist who had a superbly researched paper, but hadn't developed his/her own background. It's the first forest Nothobranchius known, but they are just a tiny wing of the killifish world.

I'm no longer a member of the American Killifish Association, so I don't get their journal. But I recently read a French translation of one of their articles produced by the Killi Club de France. The original is:
Nagy, B. & B.R. Watters, 2020 Threatened - the world is a dangerous place for seasonal fishes - Journal of the American Killifish Association, 53 (4): 141-156.

It seems a large percentage of the known African annual species are in serious danger from human driven habitat destruction. It really is a shame, because their story so fr has been pretty wonderful. We can see things alive that our grand children will only have photos and videos of.

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