New Spawn With Thumbelina & Kizzy's not the money but the sheer hassle of all the paperwork etc plus I'd never want any of my babies being in a cold box for 3 or more days!!! I'm anxious enough when I send them out overnight....more than that and I'd have a nervous breakdown :crazy:
They are looking great you have some fantastic breeding stock at the moment! Im going to set up Zen and Anna soon!
Netty as always your babies are beautiful. I can't wait to see what i get from my spawn!! The worst bit is i'm already planning the next and my fry are only just a week old lol x
I'll try to get some more pics of them this week :good:
Well the babies from this pair are doing well and are about 4 - 5 weeks old now. Only 13 of them but they are colouring up already.

Here they are





And what a fat little froggy face lol
the first two pics look like Nemo in a way
You're right Squire....they do look just like him when he was that size.....these fry actually have the same Mum (Kizzy) as Nemo so there is a family resemblance :good:
Nemo didn't have a froggy face though.
Too CUTE! I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant one! :p he didn't....he was blessed early on with good looks :lol:

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