New Spawn (white Gold Pk's)


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
Ferndown, UK
so i have set up a spawning tank and put the fish in. only just starting conditioning, but he seems keen already so fingers crossed it will work well.
both are PK's and the dad has been successfully spawned before (by daz)
shimmer, the male


Pearl, the female



the bubblenest so far


so wish me luck everyone! exciting :hyper: :hyper: I know you've been wanting to do another spawn for a while.....keeping everything crossed for you Ibble but by the looks of it it's going really well so far :good:
I LOVE the male's color. They should have beautiful babies!! My little female's name is Pearl too :blush: Awwww....
Is the male yellow?? he is amazing!!

can we see a closer pic of him when you get one? :wub:
OMG!!!! that means me and shell are gunna be related. :lol: :lol: :lol:

a big tip ibble, he is a very fiesty thing for his size, persist as long as you can and make sure she is well over ready as his over excitement sometimes gets the better of him and he used to scare the hell out of me at times but once spawned he is a great dad, nice combo yu have there too.

heres a pic of him before he turned yellow, this was when i first spawned him at 3 months old.

and this is him when he went yellow

so yesterday and this morning i let her out of her net to get to know each other, they swam around together for about an hour each time, flaring at each other and chasing each other a bit, but no nastyness and no nipping


Looks good so far :good: Hope you get some eggs soon!!!! They are gonna be such pretty babies :drool:
i wasn't intending to spawn them tonight, i was just changing around the breeding traps, in order to introduce my 2 new girls from modaz into the sorority, and i thought "it'll be fine, they don't hurt each other, i'll let them swim about together for 5 mins while i get thing sorted" nut she just swam straight under the nest, wiggled at him, and they started!
tried to get some pics and vids, there not great i'm afraid!
its only of warm up/practice stuff, cuz my batteries in the camera decided to die just as the eggs started coming


they are both being great, both catching the eggs as they fall and picking them up of the bottom too.
That's great're not gonna get much sleep tonight hun :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Its all looking really good, fingers crossed for lots of little cousins (i think) for my two boys :)

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