New spawn journal


Fish Herder
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
San Jose, CA
OK, I've decided on a spawn to work with. I now have the father of my red Juvis (the ones I've posted pictures of) with the aunt from that spawn, together in the spawn tank. I released her at 2:30pm PST today. She's all barred up and they're stalking each other around the tank, hehe.

When I spawn this guy to the other girl, they had a HUGH spawn, although I lost many during a velvet/ich breakout early in their lives. He was also an incredible dad, built a HUGH bubblenest that only got larger and thicker as he cared for the eggs. He was VERY protective of the eggs to the point of attacking my hand when I put it in the tank to adjust the heater setting, Lol. A snail that was in the tank got torpedoed many times when it slinked a little to close to the nest. It was awesome to watch him, so I'm hoping he'll be just as good this time around. The female has very nice finnage (better than the sister), her caudal has 3 ray branches. I took some pics of the pair today so I'll attach them to this thread then keep the journal up as the spawn progresses.

The below picture is the dad of course, I thought this was a cool picture due to the reflection, in fact it's the reflection that is the better view of him, Lol



  • reddadreflection.jpg
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And here's the future mom (aunt of my other red spawn), it's not a great picture of her but all I have at the moment.



  • redmom2.jpg
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Wow! He's awesome looking linda! I really hope he n his gurls fry turn out awesome like the two of them! keep us updated!!!!!
what a great looking pair :wub:
can't wait for more updates in the spawn journal
since im not yet ready to try spawning my bettas is terrific to read about your adventures/experiences in doing so - thanks so much :)
great pair i love that male
he is the poop
and the female is awsome too. i wouldn't put that snail in there thogh untill the fry are about a week old, he will eat the eggs and fry that cant swim.

gl, hopefully disease wont wpe out ur tank :p
There is only 1 baby snail in the tank at the moment, and it hangs out in the java moss. I haven't had a problem with it yet with the eggs, and like I said, the dad takes care of it, Lol.

i've never had problems with my snails either. we keep ramshorn snails and have had them in the breeding tank during the last two spawns. they have been more of a help than hinderance. ;)
oh, lovely pair sharks1fan ;) i'm always excited when i see people breeding red's as they have become rare these days ;)
i heard the snail will poop more than it eats :D true or false?

either way, looks like you're gonan beatifulllll babies :wub:
Yep, that's what I have BKK, Ramshorn snails, they do such a wonderful job keeping the tank clean. And yes CC, they do poop alot, however, all that poop you see from then used to be gunk on the walls and the floor of the tank, now it's very easy to remove poop :) (it vacuums up very easily) They're also great for eating up leftover food if you happen to overfeed a bit. Also, the snail poop promotes infusoria which is GREAT for new spawns. I swear by the little guys, they keep the tank so clean I couldn't believe it when I first got them.

On the other hand, I also have applesnails, and honestly I don't think they do nearly as good a job as the Ramshorns.

you know i thought about adding my applesanil into the tank..which is about 1inch long, but then i kept visualizing him eating the fry :blink: is this possible at all? even if teh fry's only 1 day old?
If it's 1" in diameter I probably wouldn't put it in a new fry tank, I'd wait until they're a bit older and stronger and not spending time on the floor of the tank. I have an apple snail that big but I keep it in my growout tank where the fish are big enough to not get eaten.

i has an apple snail that was twice the size of a quarter and it ate my adult vt. i am not ****in u guys at all. 1 minut he was swimming around happy and then wen i came back 5 minuts later he was snail chow. i dunno how but it happend :sad: and i know apples will eat the eggs, i wouldn't worry about rams horns, the'er not that big, iv got em to.

gl :thumbs:
GuppyDude said:
i has an apple snail that was twice the size of a quarter and it ate my adult vt. i am not ****in u guys at all. 1 minut he was swimming around happy and then wen i came back 5 minuts later he was snail chow. i dunno how but it happend :sad: and i know apples will eat the eggs, i wouldn't worry about rams horns, the'er not that big, iv got em to.

gl :thumbs:
I remember someone mentioning on a forum I read that they had a Betta get a little too curious about the big apple snail in the tank and the apple snail decided to go back into it's shell and close the door (apple snails have a little door that encloses them in their shell, in case someone doesn't know), well the Betta got caught by the "door" and was stuck. By the time the owner got the snail pryed open to release the fish, it was too late, the betta died shortly afterwards :(


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