New Spawn (hm Mg)


Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Urbana, IL
I'm thrilled to have finally gotten this male to do the deed! I've been trying to get some babies from him forever!

Dad- HM MG

Momma- same female from the last spawn. MG (steel) female

Not sure how many babies there are yet...they've just hatched.
its sooooo frustrating when they wont spawn, glad he did for you, good luck with the fry, not that you need it as your doing well with your last lot :good:
I bet they will look awsome when they are larger!! keep us posted! I've been looking to get a betta! Maybe I can get one........
Beautiful male. Great looking female as well. :good:
Can't wait to see the results.
WOW, they both look stunning.

Keep us up to date on the growth of em, and goodluck.

They're doing okay. This was a very small spawn, which is understandable since the male didn't seem to know what to do the last two times I tried least he got it a little bit this time.

I'm going to clean the tank a bit tonight. Maybe I'll have some pictures. They still just look like little mini white tadpoles though. ;)
Hi Constantine

How are they doing? I know its disapointing when there are not many fry, but its easier to raise 20ish than 120ish :good:

Can i ask, when you jar your babies, how often do you change their water? With ours, we syphon out about 70% every other day and 100% once a week.

How does that compare to yours?


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