New Serpae Tetras!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Well, I've been talking with my boyfriend, Ben, lately about wanting to get some tetras, preferably not Neons (cause even though I love them to bits, I wanted to try something different). So, when Ben came home from work today, he had a brown paper bag in hand. When I opened the bag and pulled out the plastic one inside, I found three serpae tetras swimming around. And when I asked him why he got these guys for me, he just said it's because he loves me. :wub: Isn't that sweet? :wub:

Anyways, here's some pics of my three new serpae tetras. The pics do not do them justice as they are extremely brightly colored. They have made fast friends with my platies and the six of them hang out in a small school together. It's so adorable. :wub:

Congrats!!! He sounds like a sweetheart, and anyone that gives you fish has to be cool! The fish are beauties! :wub: Pics 5,6,and7 are great very clear! FOTM best group shot!
Thanks treefrog! ;) Yeah, Ben is a big sweetie...I love him so much. :wub:

Now I gots a question... I appreciate the noms, but can you enter group shots in the competitions? Sorry, I'm kinda new at this. :/
I have no idea. But I love that last pic and all the fish in it are beautiful and healthy examples so I think it should be able to be included. But what do I know, better ask some of the powers to be.
I think I will ask someone. :) I really like that last pic as well. It was my favorite of all the ones I took. It's just so cute to watch the platies and the serpaes getting along. I heard serpaes had a slight reputation of being fin-nippers, but all three of the ones I got are big sweethearts.

Thanks again treefrog! ;)
I'll definately second that nomination for the last one if it's aloud...They are so cute and what a sweet boyfriend :wub:
Those are some pretty nice looking tetras :thumbs: I am still a little more into rummies and cardinals though. :/
Thanks for the second nom Sorrell! ;) I'm really hoping that the pic will be allowed. I PMed the higher ups earlier, so I'm just waiting on a response. :rolleyes:

I like cardinals too, freshmike. I was actually thinking of getting a few of those as well...out local pet store has tons of them. :nod: I've never owned rummies though.
Took a few more pics of the serpaes today. These pics seems to be a bit brighter, so hopefully you can get a good feeling for the incredible pinkish-red color these fish are. ;)




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