New Serpae Tetras!

Yay, someone else has serpaes! :hyper: Cardinals are too slender for my liking.



  • Andrews_tank_086__3_.jpg
    36.1 KB · Views: 24
Yay! I was starting to think no one else had these guys! :hyper: Aren't their colors just incredible?! :wub:

So, dwarfs, you have a school of 6 huh? I heard they can be kinda aggressive at you have any problems with them being like that? Mine have started schooling with my platies so they can't be that bad. :p
They are pretty much the smallest guys in the tank, the danios are a bit smaller, and my honey gouramis and little bolivian rams are the same size. They haven't bothered any of my fish yet. In the very begginning they bothered some, but they soon learned not to. I have a light that brings out red in fish and look at this beautiful coloration. Do they look shiny or is it just me?


  • Andrews_tank_018.jpg
    69.7 KB · Views: 26
No, I don't think it's just you...they are very shiny...and I love that glowing stripe of pink down their sides. :wub: At first they tried to bother my betta, Kaiser...but he very quickly put them into their places. Kaiser is the top fish in my tank and he knows it...he takes crap from no fish. B)
Was it your Cichlid who taught 'em a lesson? Or the Siamese badis...whatever that is...! :lol:

Mine have completely toned down since I got them. They now school very peacefully with my platies and the zebra danios, no nipping or chasing like they were starting to do...and if they see Kaiser coming, they run like hell. :lol:
No, every one taught em a lesson, the ram, badis, dwarf cichlid(dead as of yesterday), and gouramis. I think the cories did too :p
This is a siamese badis, and yes that's the ram in the bottom. I also have a pic of them circling eachother like pissed off dogs about to fight :lol:


  • BRYAN_FAMILY_pets_050.jpg
    69.8 KB · Views: 26
:D Not hijacking but this is a pic I never got to show and it's cool :lol: Look at that, it's awesome :p


  • BRYAN_FAMILY_pets_049__2_.jpg
    20.9 KB · Views: 29
So thats a badis...hes really cool. :wub:

And that second pic is awesome! Great shot!

If my corys were being picked on they'd probably go hide behind their best buddy, Kirby the plec! :hyper: :lol:

Sorry to hear about your dwarf cichlid though... :byebye:
Oh, well thats good, I guess. I hate getting attached to a fish and then have it die on me. All my friends think I'm nutty because I actually care about my fish... All they ever tell me is, "It's only a stupid fish."

...and then I have to punch them.

j/k! :hyper:
I think my gudgeon got brain damage from being stuck behind a pvc pipe and having a lack of oxygen. Now he acts ike I'm not there, and he won't eat. It's so depressing :-(

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