I've just got a puppy. I've got blankets (for the car)/to chew. Puppy bed, chew toys, squeaky toys, soft toys and a ball (I've got a couple, one with a bell inside and one squeaky) - he's also just got a ball on a rope which he appears to LOVE.
Water dish, food bowl, collar, leader, food, treats
, puppy pads (or newspaper as I see you are going with), I got mine a harness for walking as I can give him a good tug without hurting him.
Extras, grooming brush, shampoo, nail clippers.
Crate if you want one - we've not used a crate, but we did get a baby gate to stop him getting stuck up stairs
When I got mine, I asked the breeder what food they were feeding him to try and minimise the "stress" of leaving.
Also I read that a puppy for the first few nights might cry a little; so take it up to bed with you (leave it in it's bed though). One of my friends said when they got a puppy they took a few t-shirts from the laundry (dirty) and put a warm hot water bottle on the puppies bed and it's was settled for the night. Mine wasn't crying during the night; he was just fidgeting.
ooh patience - you'll need that when potty training.
If you are in the UK it will need a name tag (if it gets lost) - ok just looked at your location, you are supposed to have a dog tag on your dog in public with your details on it.
I also totally agree with Tolak; a camera is essential
Ooh poop bags too (for walkies).
If you are going to use puppy pads - I was recommended B&M Bargains from my breeder as they are a bit cheaper. It was 30 for about £5, where the supermarkets were about 15 for £5.
Any questions just ask, I'm a few weeks ahead of you in the puppy 'game'