A True Oddball
I bought a new plec yesterday, and I have now forgotten what they said it was,
it has similiar marks to a sailfin, but the marking are more jaguar like. if there was animal that has similar markings I'd say it would be a fire bellied frog. its main colour is black/dark brown, with golden to light brown markings. its max length will be around 7" (that much I remember).
I know it isn't a sailfin, as these were in a seperate tank, and they were different, as I compaired them for about 30mins, much to the disgust of my girl friend. (she gets very impaitent when I buy fish, I spend hours looking at them first, hehehe, )
I've tried to get a pic of him but to no avail yet, I'll try again later on. but from that bad discription can anyone help?
I bought a new plec yesterday, and I have now forgotten what they said it was,
it has similiar marks to a sailfin, but the marking are more jaguar like. if there was animal that has similar markings I'd say it would be a fire bellied frog. its main colour is black/dark brown, with golden to light brown markings. its max length will be around 7" (that much I remember).
I know it isn't a sailfin, as these were in a seperate tank, and they were different, as I compaired them for about 30mins, much to the disgust of my girl friend. (she gets very impaitent when I buy fish, I spend hours looking at them first, hehehe, )
I've tried to get a pic of him but to no avail yet, I'll try again later on. but from that bad discription can anyone help?